- English
- Chinese
- Greek
- Spanish
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Hebrew
- Dutch
- Russian
- German
- Italian
- Turkish
- Danish
- Norwegian
- French
- Arabic/Farsi
- Hungarian
- Korean
- Slovenian
- Vietnamese
Learning how to Translate MIUI
Learning how to use Git & GitHub
- English - by aternus
- Greek - by jolas, zach.antre
- Spanish - by darkdyo
- Polish - by kubekpop
- Portuguese - by fadox
- Hebrew - by aternus
- Dutch - by uloga
- Russian - by sergey, aternus
- German - by waldemator
- Italian - by saint tropez
- Turkish - by metra01
- Danish - by pokeman
- Norwegian - by arvter
- French - by patrick lesimple
- Arabic/Farsi
- Hungarian
- Korean
- Slovenian
- Vietnamese
NOTE: the full list of locales is available at the URL specified inside the source "en.lang" file.
Translate all strings which appear to the right to the equal sign (=)
Example: text_next=Next becomes text_next=Next_in_your_language
- in the string there might be styling and new line characters.
- a new line character is represented by a backslash ()
- styling characters are similar to HTML/XML tags. they begin with a and end with a (where tag is the actual styling attribute)
- you don't need to translate the styling characters!
- you don't need to touch the new line characters!