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This repository is a challenge for everyone interested in getting started with cosmos dApp building.

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Cosmos Starter Challenge

Getting Started

First, install all dependencies and run the development server:

yarn install
# after the installation is finished, run the development server
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Style the app as you see fit. There is no requirement to make it look a specific way.

The Base Layer

This repository was created to provide a base layer for the challenges listed below.

The following technologies come into play

The Challenge

  1. Wallet Connector
    Set up a wallet connector using the cosmos-kit from Cosmology.
    Make sure to connect the wallet provider to the osmosis-1 blockchain and display a connect button. To establish a connection, enable at least the Keplr Wallet.

  2. Mint a Credit Account
    After the user is connected via a web3 Cosmos Wallet extension (like Keplr), show a Mint Credit Account button that executes a create_credit_account (with the default type) message to the Mars Protocol Credit Manager contract.
    For clients and queries, please check the generated types in the projects src/types/generated folder.

  3. Fetch Mars Credit Accounts
    Fetch the credit accounts the wallet has minted on the Osmosis Outpost of the Mars Protocol via the tokens query.

     "tokens": {
         "owner": "WALLET_ADDRESS"
  4. BONUS: Fund Credit Account
    After completing steps 2 and 3, you learned how to execute messages and query contracts on the Cosmos blockchain.
    The next step would be to fund a minted credit account, owned by the connected wallet. For this, you need to use the update_credit_account message of the Mars Protocol Credit Manager Contract.

         "update_credit_account": {
             "account_id": "ACCOUNT_ID",
             "actions": [
                     "deposit": {
                     "denom": "uosmo",
                     "amount": "1000000"
  5. BONUS: Display Credit Account Positions
    To test if you mastered the art of fetching contracts on a Cosmos blockchain, try to display the positions of the credit accounts of the connected wallet.


Here are some configs, that will help to achieve your goal:




  contracts: {
    accountNft: 'osmo1450hrg6dv2l58c0rvdwx8ec2a0r6dd50hn4frk370tpvqjhy8khqw7sw09',
    creditManager: 'osmo1f2m24wktq0sw3c0lexlg7fv4kngwyttvzws3a3r3al9ld2s2pvds87jqvf',
    redBank: 'osmo1c3ljch9dfw5kf52nfwpxd2zmj2ese7agnx0p9tenkrryasrle5sqf3ftpg',


  id: 'osmosis-1',
  name: 'Osmosis Mainnet',
  defaultCurrency: {
    coinDenom: 'OSMO',
    coinMinimalDenom: 'uosmo',
    coinDecimals: 6,
    coinGeckoId: 'osmosis',
    gasPriceStep: {
      low: 0.0025,
      average: 0.025,
      high: 0.04,
  gasPrice: '0.0035uosmo',

Repositories to look at

These Repositories can help you find implementation examples if you get stuck:


This repository is a challenge for everyone interested in getting started with cosmos dApp building.






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