Sample of ASP.NET CORE 2.0 that use Microsoft SQL Server as backend database. This project used to build a complete CI/CD pipeline
In the CI pipeline, I have used SonarCloud which is cloud-based code quality and security service to scan my project for code quality. I have also used whiteSource bolt to scan all my open source software. I generated the dacpac file building my database project, which I used to created the database in the CD phase. In the CD, I haved used azure cli to provision all the resources that the project need:
Azure App Service Plan
$ az appservice plan create -n fasoappplan -g $rg --sku s1 --is-linux
Azure web app
$ az webapp create --resource-group devops --plan fasoappplan --name petworldapp
$ az sql server create -n PetSoreAppDB -g $rg -l $location --admin-user dbadmin --admin-password P#assWord12$$12
$ az sql server firewall-rule create -n AllowLocalClient --server $serverName -g $rg --start-ip-address --end-ip-address
az sql db create -g $rg --server MSSQLAppDB--name MSSQLWebbAppDB --service-objective S0
Here is the Azure Devops project link: