A Restful API to resolve the pallindrome challenge
- Java v 1.8
- Dropwizard
- Hibernate validator
- Maven v 3.3
- Go to palindrome.api folder (cd palindrome.api/ )
- Compile the application typing: mvn clean install
- After that, you can run the application. Type: java -jar target/palindrome.api-1.jar server palindrome-configuration.yml
- Use a REST client application such as Postman. Then, do the following GET operations:
- http://localhost:9000/palindrome/v1/range?min=1&max=1000000
In the previous version, it works well if the maximum value is less than or equal to 1 million - http://localhost:9000/palindrome/v2/range?min=1&max=1000000
In the newest version, It is suggested if the maximum value is greater than 1 million because it gets the result in a parallel manner.
- http://localhost:9000/palindrome/v1/range?min=1&max=1000000
- They both return a JSON with the following structure:
"palindromeStrings": {
"decimal_number": "binary_number",
"iterations": iterations_needed_to_get_palindromes_in_the_range,
"bigOComplexity": "An explanation about the complexity to calculate palindromes in the range"