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Kyle Kirkby edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 11 revisions

Adding Pages to your site

Adding a page to your static website couldn't be simpler with the help of the flow.html Jekyll layout that this theme provides. The layout allows you to choose from multiple content rows/sections built with bootstrap 4. Simplifying the process of building out static pages. This keeps content pages clean from HTML and also means pages are easily edited with a CMS such as NetlifyCMS.

Page Jumbotron Headers

Custom page headers can be added to pages that using the flow layout. You can display one of either a Slider Header (using owl-carousel), a background image header, breadcrumb header or a standard jumbotron header. Complete examples of these are listed below:

Slider Header

    class: home # Applied to the jumbotron itself
    inner_class: dotted # Applied to the each slides container.
    # List of the slides to display
        - title: A feature-packed Jekyll theme # Title displayed as a h1 heading
          inner-image: /assets/images/your-inner-image.png # An image to be added above the main title.
          # Description text to be displayed on the slider
          description: >
            Your slides description
          title-class: big-title # Class applied to the heading
          image: /assets/images/test/background-image1.jpg # The background image to be used for the slider item
          # A list of "call to action" buttons to be displayed on your slide
          - title: View on GitHub
            icon: fa fa-github
        - title: Slide 2
          description: ""
          slide-style: "background-position-y: bottom;"
          # Same as the above slider example...

Background Image Header

    class: text-center # Applied to the jumbotron itself
    inner_class: dotted # Applied to the each slides container.
    title: A feature-packed Jekyll theme # Title displayed as a h1 heading
    # Description text to be displayed on the slider
    description: >
        Your slides description
    image: /assets/images/test/background-image1.jpg # The background image to be used for your header.
        - title: View on Github
          icon: icon-github
          class: test

Standard Header with no background image

    class: text-center # Applied to the jumbotron itself
    inner_class: dotted # Applied to the each slides container.
    title: A feature-packed Jekyll theme # Title displayed as a h1 heading
    # Description text to be displayed on the slider
    description: >
        Your slides description
        - title: View on Github
          icon: icon-github
          class: test

Breadcrumb Header

For a breadcrumb header simply set breadcrumb: true in your page's front matter.

breadcrumb: true


There are multiple row types that you can utilise when structuring your page.

Row Types Description
main_content_row Outputs your pages' main content inside of a bootstrap 3 container
container_row Outputs your sections inside of a bootstrap container
full_width_row Outputs your sections in a fluid container
custom_include_row Allows you to specify a Jekyll include to be used as a row


This row can be used to output the main content of your markdown file (the page content below the frontmatter ---). Your page content is added to a boostrap container.

    - row: main_content_row

The above yaml (frontmatter) will add your page content (page.content) to it's own bootstrap row inside of a bootstrap container.


This row type will output your sections inside of a bootstrap 3 container.

    - row: container_row


This row type will output your sections inside of a container-fluid bootstrap container.

    - row: full_width_row


This row type allows you to include your own custom section with ease. Your custom include is added to a bootstrap 3 container-fluid container

    - row: full_width_row


Each row can contain multiple sections. These sections are described below.

Section Type Description
title Outputs a title section.
members Outputs a typical members section.
block Outputs a block row. Closest core bootstrap 3 element is a panel. Closest Bootstrap 4 element would be a card element
buttons Outputs the array of bootstrap 3 buttons provided. A custom icon/title/url can also be provided.
text Outputs a text column for a block of text in a section.
custom_include Takes source which is the filename of a jekyll include.
slider Outputs an owlCarousel based slider based on either a source _data file or an array of items in the slider.
feature_block Outputs a text/image or slider feature block. The image/slider is placed inside of a col-sm-7 bootstrap 3 column and can pe positioned either to the left or right using the push/pull utility classes.
tabs Outputs a bootstrap 4 tab panel
collapse Outputs a bootstrap 4 collapse panel - ideal for FAQ etc

Each section is rendered inside it's own bootstrap col-xs-12 column (with the exception of the custom section as it depends on the content of your custom jekyll include). The order your sections are added to the row's items" array is the order they are displayed on your page. Below is a break down of each section type with an example of the frontmatter options you can utilise.


This section simplifies the addition of a title in your content row. Provide a size, text content and an optional css class (css classes are applied to the bootstrap column).

        - format: title
          style: text-center # class to be applied to the surrounding column
            style: display-3 # class to be applied to the heading tag
            size: h2 # Size of the heading e.g h1, h2, h3, h4, h5
            text: Your Centered Heading


This section adds an inline image row. Usually good for displaying current clients/members or your organisation/service.

Below is an example of a members section.

Settings Example Limitations
style zoom grayscale The zoom style adds a css transformation on hover adding a zoom effect. grayscale adds a grayscale filter and on hover the filter is removed.
members_content.items see below Contains an array of members (see below for an example)
members_content.item_width 3 This value is used to determine the col-sm- size. You can use any of the bootstrap defaults and 5ths
data_source members-section-example Takes the name of a Jekyll data file and requires the same format as under content (shown below in example)


        - format: members
          #data_source: members-section-example
          style: zoom grayscale
            item_width: "3" #bootstrap col-sm- value e.g 3, 4, 5ths etc
              - name: Arm
                    alt: Arm Logo
              - name: Packet
                    alt: Packet Logo
              - name: Qualcomm Logo
                    alt: Qualcomm Logo Logo
              - name: Cannonical
                    alt: Cannonical Logo


This section allows you to add content blocks to list out key features / items as you wish. You can specify a custom width for your blocks, background image, url and more.

full_width_block_row block-row

Settings Example Limitations
style zoom grayscale Add a css class to your block section
block_section_content.blocks see below Contains an array of blocks (see below for an example)
block_section_content.item_width 3 This value is used to determine the col-sm- size. You can use any of the bootstrap defaults and 5ths
        - format: block
          style: text-center text-white
            item_width: "4"
                # Repeat this section for each of your blocks
                # Title for your block element
                - title:
                    # Size of your title
                    size: "h3"
                    # Text content for your title
                    text: Block 1
                  # Optional - Url used for anchor tag wrapping block.
                  url: /about/
                  # Optional - background image to be used for your block
                  background_image: /assets/images/content/background-image1.jpg
                  # Optional - text for your block element.
                    text: >
                        See our photos from event.
                  # Optional - add bootstrap buttons to your block.
                   # Repeat this section for each of your buttons if you have more than one.
                    - title: More Details # Required - button title (text) .
                      url: /flow/  # Required - button url
                      icon: fa fa-arrow-right # Optional - add an icon element to your button this is the css class used.
                      style: btn-primary # Optional - specifiy a class for your button. Defaults to btn-primary


This section adds a bootstrap column with the buttons you provide. Great channeling users to another page (call to action etc).

        - format: buttons
          style: text-center # specify custom css classes to use
              # Repeat this section for each of your buttons if you have more than one.
              - title: More Details # Required - button title (text) .
                url: /about/ # Required - button url
                icon: fa fa-arrow-right # Optional - add an icon element to your button this is the css class used.
                # Optional - specifiy a class for your button. Defaults to btn-primary
                class: btn-danger


Adds the specified text to a bootstrap column. Your text content can use markdown formatting as the markdownfiy Jekyll filter is applied to text content.

        - format: text
          style: text-center # Optional css class to applied to section
            text: Some block of text to describe _something_ about such and such...


This section adds your custom Jekyll include to a boostrap container.


        - format: custom_include
          source: custom_include.html


This section allows you to easily add a slider (or carousel) to your page. The following settings can be used to add a new slider.


        - format: slider
          style: newSlider #optional css class to apply to the encapsulating bootstrap column
            lightbox_enabled: true
            seconds_per_slide: 5
            nav: true
            dots: false
            xs_items: 1
            sm_items: 3
            md_items: 6
            lg_items: 9
            # Content for the slider
            # Optional name of the data file to use for the slider source
            # data_source: example-carousel-data-source
            # A list of slider items
                  # Image for the slider item
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image1.jpg
                  # Alt tag to use on the img element
                  alt: Background Image
                  # Title to use in conjunction with the slider item
                  # This will add a bootstrap tooltip to the slider item containing the specified title.
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image2.png
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image3.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1


The feature_block section adds unique content section divided into 7 (image or slider )/ 5 (text content) column widths. You can also toggle the position of the media (image/video) to alternate the position for repeated feature_blocks. See below for an example of a feature_block.

feature_block_container feature_block_full_width

Below is a commented example of the feature_block section of your flow page frontmatter.

  - format: feature_block
    style: text-center text-white
        # Position of your featured content. "left" or "right"
        position: "left"
        # Optional - specify a youtube video url to be used as featured content
        # type: "youtube_video"
        # video_content_url:
        # Optional - specify an image to be used as featured content
        # type: "image"
        # image_content_path: /assets/images/content/background-image1.jpg
        # Optional - add an images slider to be used as featured content
        type: "slider"
        # Slider content - see the slider section details for more information on adding slider's
            lightbox_enabled: true
            seconds_per_slide: 5
            nav: true
            dots: false
            xs_items: 1
            sm_items: 1
            md_items: 1
            lg_items: 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image1.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image2.png
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image3.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image1.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image2.png
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image3.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image1.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image2.png
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
                - image: /assets/images/content/background-image3.jpg
                  alt: Background Image
                  title: Background Image 1
        title: Feature Block
        text: >
            A feature block with a youtube video.
            - title: Button 1
              url: /about/
              style: btn-primary
            - title: Button 2
              url: /about/
              style: btn-primary


        - format: tabs
          style: #
            - title: Test
              content: |
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

                > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis > nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore > eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

                - Test
                - Test
                - Test

                This is some more [content](/).
            - title: Test 2
              content: |
                This is some test tab content. 2

                - Test

                - Test

                - Test

                This is some more [content](/).
            - title: Test 3
              content: |
                This is some test tab content. 3

                - Test
                - Test
                - Test

                This is some more [content](/). 3


        - format: collapse
          style: #
            - title: Test Panel Title
              content: |
                ## Test Panel Content

                Some other text

                - Bullet 1
                - Bullet 2
                - Bullet 3
            - title: Test Panel Title 2
              content: |
                ## Test Panel Content 2

                Some other text

                - Bullet 1
                - Bullet 2
                - Bullet 3