This is a quite simple wrapper for a quite simple API. It's not currently hosted anywhere so the base URL for the API is incorrect; however, the API is open source to combat that.
It can edit an instance of io.BytesIO or you can input a URL to an image for it to have it edited. It always returns io.BytesIO
import zaneapi
client = zaneapi.Client()
# ... in a coro
image_from_bytes = await client.manipulate(
image_bytes_io # an io.BytesIO instance containing an image
image_from_url = await client.manipulate(
# io.BytesIO
If you are a user of, this works out quite nicely since you can do the following...
import zaneapi
client = zaneapi.Client()
# ... in a command
# to edit a user's avatar then send the result
image = await client.manipulate(zaneapi.Operation.Magic, str(
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(image, "generated.png"))