This application takes the developer thought the process of building a web-application using angular. The application is loosely based on Google phone gallery. Each commit is a separate lesson teaching a single aspect of angular.
- Generic installation instructions.
- Mac DMG here
- Windows download from here. (You will also need 7 Zip to unzip the node archive)
(and don't forget to add
to your executable path)
- The application filesystem layout structure is based on the angular-seed project.
- There is no backend (no server) for this application. Instead we fake the XHRs by fetching static json files.
- Read the Development section at the end to familiarize yourself with running and developing an angular application.
You can check out any point of the tutorial using git checkout step-?
To see the changes which between any two lessons use the git diff command. git diff step-?..step-?
- Initial angular-seed project layout
- We have converted the seed application by removing all of the boiler-plate code.
- We have added single static HTML file which shows a static list of phones. (we will convert this static page into dynamic one with the help of angular)
- Converted static page into dynamic one by:
- Added unit test, which mostly shows how one goes about writing a unit test, rather then test something of value on our mock dataset.
- added a search box to demonstrate how:
- added an end-to-end test to:
- show how end-to-end tests are written and used
- to prove that the search box and the repeater are correctly wired together
- replaced the mock data with data loaded from the server (in our case the JSON return is just a
static file)
- The JSON is loaded using the $xhr service
- Demonstrate the use of services and dependency injection
- The $xhr is injected into the controller through dependency injection
- adding phone image and links to phone pages
- css to style the page just a notch
- making the order predicate for catalog dynamic
- adding 'predicates' section to the view with links that control the order
- ordering defaults to 'age' property
- css sugar
- Introduce the [$route] service which allows binding URLs for deep-linking with views
- Replace content of root controller PhonesCtrl with [$route] configuration
- Map `/phones' to PhoneListCtrl and partails/phones-list.html
- Map `/phones/phone-id' to PhoneDetailCtrl and partails/phones-detail.html
- Copy deep linking parameters to root controller
property for access in sub controllers - Replace content of index.html with ng:view
- Create PhoneListCtrl view
- Move code which fetches phones data into PhoneListCtrl
- Move existing HTML from index.html to partials/phone-list.html
- Create PhoneDetailsCtrl view
- Wire [$route] service to map
to map to this controller. - Empty PhoneDetailsCtrl
- Place holder partials/phane-details.html
- Wire [$route] service to map
- Fetch data for and render phone detail view
- $xhr to fetch details for a specific phone
- template for the phone detailed view
- CSS to make it look pretty
- Detail data for phones in JSON format
The following docs apply to all angular-seed projects and since the phonecat tutorial is a project based on angular-seed, the instructions apply to it as well.
- run
- navigate your browser to
to see the app running in your browser.
Requires java.
- start
(on windowsscripts\test-server.bat
) - navigate your browser to
- click on: capture strict link
- run
(on windowsscripts\test.bat
) - edit files in
and save them - go to step 4.
Requires ruby and watchr gem.
- start JSTD server and capture a browser as described above
- start watchr with
watchr scripts/watchr.rb
- in a different window/tab/editor
tail -f logs/jstd.log
- edit files in
and save them - watch the log to see updates
angular ships with a baked-in end-to-end test runner that understands angular, your app and allows you to write your tests with jasmine-like BDD syntax.
Requires a webserver, node.js or your backend server that hosts the angular static files.
Check out the end-to-end runner's documentation for more info.
- create your end-to-end tests in
- serve your project directory with your http/backend server or node.js +
- open
in your browser
app/ --> all of the files to be used in production
css/ --> css files
app.css --> default stylesheet
img/ --> image files
index.html --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)
js/ --> javascript files
controllers.js --> application controllers
filters.js --> custom angular filters
services.js --> custom angular services
widgets.js --> custom angular widgets
lib/ --> angular and 3rd party javascript libraries
angular.js --> the latest angular js
angular.min.js --> the latest minified angular js
angular-ie-compat.js --> angular patch for IE 6&7 compatibility
version.txt --> version number
partials/ --> angular view partials (partial html templates)
config/jsTestDriver.conf --> config file for JsTestDriver
logs/ --> JSTD and other logs go here (git-ignored)
scripts/ --> handy shell/js/ruby scripts
test-server.bat --> starts JSTD server (windows) --> starts JSTD server (*nix)
test.bat --> runs all unit tests (windows) --> runs all unit tests (*nix)
watchr.rb --> config script for continuous testing with watchr
web-server.js --> simple development webserver based on node.js
test/ --> test source files and libraries
e2e/ -->
runner.html --> end-to-end test runner (open in your browser to run)
scenarios.js --> end-to-end specs
angular/ --> angular testing libraries
angular-mocks.js --> mocks that replace certain angular services in tests
angular-scenario.js --> angular's scenario (end-to-end) test runner library
version.txt --> version file
jasmine/ --> Pivotal's Jasmine - an elegant BDD-style testing framework
jasmine-jstd-adapter/ --> bridge between JSTD and Jasmine
jstestdriver/ --> JSTD - JavaScript test runner
unit/ --> unit level specs/tests
controllersSpec.js --> specs for controllers
For more information on angular please check out