A Node.js package for querying the new format data of the Pure IP offline community version database czdb
. It supports two types of search algorithms: in-memory search (MEMORY) and B-tree search (BTREE). The database type (IPv4 or IPv6) and query type (MEMORY, BTREE) are determined at runtime.
czdb-search supports querying both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. When creating a DbSearcher instance, you need to provide the corresponding database file and key.
Database files and keys can be obtained from www.cz88.net.
npm install czdb
Note: czdb has been changed to an ESM package, so please set "type": "module"
in the project's package.json
when import
it in the js file. For details, see Pure ESM
// Import DbSearcher
import DbSearcher, { QueryType } from "czdb";
// CommonJS require:
// const { default: DbSearcher, QueryType } = require('czdb');
// Prepare your .czdb file and key
const IPV4_IP = "";
const KEY = "YOUR_KEY_HERE";
// Create a search instance
const searcher = new DbSearcher(IPV4_DB_PATH, QueryType.BTREE, KEY);
// Use the search method to search the database based on the provided IP address
const region = searcher.search(IPV4_IP);
// The returned string format is "Country–Province–City–Region ISP". If the search fails, it will return null.
console.log(region); // China–Hong Kong PCCW Limited
You can find a simple usage example in the example folder. After filling in the path and key, run the following commands to test:
pnpm i
pnpm run test
DbSearcher supports 2 query types: MEMORY
: This mode is thread-safe and stores data in memory.
: This mode uses the B-tree
data structure for queries.
You can choose the query type when creating a DbSearcher
DbSearcher searcher = new DbSearcher("YOUR_DB_PATH", QueryType.BTREE, "YOUR_KEY");
When the query is finished and no longer needed, you should close the database.
This will release all used resources and close access to the database file.