An animated bubble menu using the pop animation library (https://github.com/facebook/pop). The menu is fully customizable in terms of radius, number of items, animation speed, bounciness, background, alpha ect.
Note: An Android Version is also available (coming soon).
You can either:
- Copy the the LIVBubbleMenu directly into your Project
- Include the following cocoapod (preferred):
pod 'LIVBubbleMenu'
Import the required header file:
#import <LIVBubbleMenu/LIVBubbleMenu.h>
//or without pod
#import "LIVBubbleMenu.h"
Create the LIVBubbleMenu with an array of images and set certain properties:
//Array of UIImages for each bubble
NSArray* images = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:@"angry"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"confused"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"cool"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"grin"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"happy"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"neutral"],
[UIImage imageNamed:@"sad"],
//Create the component centered in window
LIVBubbleMenu *bubbleMenu = [[LIVBubbleMenu alloc] initCenteredInWindowWithRadius:150 menuItems:images];
//Set optional properties
bubbleMenu.bubbleRadius = 80;
bubbleMenu.bubbleSpringBounciness = 30.0f;
//Show the menu
[bubbleMenu show];
There are two ways to create the bubble menu:
At a certain point in a view:
[[LIVBubbleMenu alloc] initWithPoint:CGPointMake(100,100) radius:150 menuItems:array inView:self.view];
Centered in the window:
LIVBubbleMenu *bubbleMenu = [[LIVBubbleMenu alloc] initCenteredInWindowWithRadius:150 menuItems:images];
The following delegates are available:
//User selected a bubble
-(void)livBubbleMenu:(LIVBubbleMenu *)bubbleMenu tappedBubbleWithIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
NSLog(@"User has selected bubble index: %tu", index);
//The bubble menu has been hidden
-(void)livBubbleMenuDidHide:(LIVBubbleMenu *)bubbleMenu {
NSLog(@"LIVBubbleMenu has been hidden");
##Customizable Properties
Property | Type | Description | Default Value |
menuItemImages | NSArray* | UIImages for each bubble menu item. | - |
menuRadius | int | The overall radius of the bubble menu. | - |
isAnimating | BOOL | Flag whether the animation is currently hiding or showing | - |
parentView | UIView* | The parent view that the bubble menu gets added to. | - |
bubbleRadius | float | Radius of each bubble item | 40.0f |
bubbleAlpha | float | Float of each bubble item | 0.97f |
bubbleShowDelayTime | float | The delay between each bubble item popping in | 0.15f |
bubbleHideDelayTime | float | The delay between each bubble item popping out | 0.15f |
bubbleSpringBounciness | float | Spring bounciness of the bubble item popping in | 20.0f |
bubbleSpringSpeed | float | The spring speed of the bubble when popping in (default is 3.0f) | 3.0f |
bubblePopInDuration | float | The amount of seconds it takes for a bubble to reach its show position | 1.0f |
bubblePopOutDuration | float | The amount of seconds it takes for a bubble to reach its hide position | 1.0f |
bubbleStartAngle | float | Initial angle to start bubbles | 0.0f |
bubbleTotalAngle | float | Total available degrees in the bubble menu | 360.0f |
easyButtons | BOOL | Simple vx complex button styling (set NO if buttons have alpha channel) | YES |
hasBackground | BOOL | Toggles whether the menu has a background that fades in | YES |
backgroundColor | UIColor* | The color of the background | Black |
backgroundAlpha | float | The alpha of the background (0.2 by default) | 0.2f |
backgroundFadeDuration | float | The amount of seconds it takes for the background to fade in/out | 1.2f |
, iOS 7.1+
, Xcode 5+
##Upcoming Features
Bubble hide animation starting at tapped bubble indexDone (v1.1.0)- Different types of animations
- More properties to customize
- Have an idea? Pop an email to info@limitlessvirtual.com
##Credits The component is originally based on the awesome AAShareBubbles by Almas Adilbek.
Emoticons in the demo are by Keyamoon
Thanks to the following developers who have contributed:
- Brendan Kirchner (waterskier2007)
- Matt Condon (Shrugs)