dotfiles and random notes about setting up a new computer
- reference:
- generate a 4096 bit RSA key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/<file> -C "comment"
- -f to specify the filename
- -C to add a comment
- grab the public key:
cat ~/.ssh/<file>.pub | pbcopy
- paste into github
- add ssh config file to ~/.ssh
- files to symlink:
- repos might not be in the Project directory
ln -s Projects/dotfiles/<filename> ~/<filename>
# add -f flag to overwrite existing links
ln -s Projects/dotfiles/<filename> ~/<filename>
- VS Code
- launch from command line
- plugins
- prettier
- gitlens
- markdownlint
- shellcheck
- iterm2
- install theme - dracula for iterm
- use natural text editing - Preferences -> Profiles -> Keys -> Load Preset... -> Natural Text Editing
- this way, cmd + -> will go to end of line and option + -> will jump words
- homebrew
- installs Xcode Command Line Tools
- final step - add homebrew to PATH
- oh-my-zsh
- bat
brew install bat
- added as alias for cat (in .zshrc)
- vim-plug
- auto installed in .zshrc file
- to install plugins with plugin manager:
vi ~/.vimrc
- plugin(s) to install: vim-airline
- fzf
brew install fzf
- install key bindings and fuzzy completion:
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
- ripgrep
- tldr