For #procjam 2016
Сonvert to Python 3 add customisation in for ease of setup
CUSTOM_PATH = None #"C:\proj\PixelShipGenerator" # set to None to not use custom exports folder
SHIPW = 200 * SCALE # ship width
SHIPH = 200 * SCALE # ship width
CONFORMITY = .55 # conformity is percentage of tiles per component that should be in frame(defaults to .55)
SIZE = .15 # size is % of frame that must be filled to complete component stage(defaults to .15)
COMPONENTS = 400 # how many components to generate. (defaults to 100)
PLASEMENTS = 20 # how many placements to try before giving up on component placement (defaults to 20)
SEED = None # if None, generate a random seed else use this seed (defaults to None)
GRID_W = SCREENWIDTH // SHIPW # auto grid ships in program
GRID_H = SCREENHEIGHT // SHIPH # auto grid ships in program