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This is a tutorial for .Net developer to learn how to create most popular single page application project from beginning to high level.

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Single Page Application Using Pro MVC5 EF6 Angular2 WebAPI2 Tutorial

About the author

I am a shinetecher, Yijia Li, from Shinetech which provides outsourcing service to organizations. I am interested in sharing the technologies I learned to help you and myself to understand them in deeply. If you have any problems please have no hesitate to connect with me ( Thanks for your reading.

Contents at Glance

What Do I Need to Know?

To get the most from this tutorial, you should be familiar with the basics of web development, have an understanding of how HTML and CSS work and a working knowledge of C# and Javascript. Don't worry if you are a beginner, there are a lot of examples and I will introduce step by step from sever-side to client-side.

What Is the Structure of This Tutorial

This tutorial is split into 2 parts, each of which covers a set of related topics.

Part 1:Server-Side Development

I start this tutorial by creating a real online school management single page application so that you know how to create, update database in sql sever by using Code First Pattern in EntityFramework 6. And also you will touch on major features of the ASP.NET MVC Framework and WebAPI2.

Part 2:Client-Side Development

In Part2, I explain how to bind angular with ASP.NET MVC5 and WebAPI2 so that you can success in creating a Single Page Application. Furthermore, I will also show you how each feature works in angular, explain the role and guide it play in client side.

What Software Do I Need for This Book?

The only software you need for this tutorial is Visual Studio 2015, which contains everything you need to get started; An administration-free editon of Sql Sever 2012 or above; node.js for getting the latest Angualr 2. There are several different versions Visual Studio Downlaod, each of them would work fine. Once you have installed Visual Studio ,Sql Sever,NodeJs, you are ready to go.


In this chapter, I explained the structure of this tutorial and the software that you will require to follow the examples. In next chapter, you'll see how to start a project in a expandable way.

Create a Blank Solution

Select New Project from the File menu to open the New Project dialog. If you select the Installed and open Other Project Types. You will see the Blank Solution project.Select this project type. As shown in below

Figure 1

Set the name of the solution to Tutorial and click the Ok button to continue.Then, right click the Solution in Solution Explorer, Select Add and click on New Project. As shown in below

Figure 2

You are seeing the New Project dialog again, this time please select Web Template, you will see the ASP.NET Web Application project template. Select this project type as shown in below

Figure 3

Set the name of the project to WebUI, it will contains all the features of MVC and Angular we use for our application. Click the OK button to continue. You will see another dialog box, shown in below, which asks you to set the initial content for ASP.NET project.To keep things simple and tell you the knowledge from beginning:select the Empty option and check the MVC box in the Add folders and core references section, as shown in the figure.This will create basic web application which contains MVC5 reference.Click the OK button to create the new project.

Figure 4

Next, create another new project which is named WebAPI, the same steps like you create WebUI project, except you check the Web API instead. Click the OK button to create WebAPI project as shown in below.

Figure 6

Last, create Domain project for data access and operation. Select Visual C# and open Class Library, click OK button as shown in below.Then all of the preparations are done, you are ready to code now.

Figure 5

[Tip:] You may wonder why I need to create three projects to build one single page application, does one project make all features work?The answer is yes.But as you start to build application, you need to make the whole project as clear as possible.Keep in mind that the code should be readable by People not Computer.So create three projects seems like you arrange different type of stuff into drawers organized.You and others will find what he wants quickly and accurately.


So far so good. In this chapter I told you how to create a blank solution, MVC template, WebAPI template in steps. And also the reason why we need to create three projects to build the application.Next chapter I will show how to use Code First Pattern with EntityFramework 6 to create your models and database in Sql Sever. Moreover, how to use Migration to fulfill the developing extensible in database cases.

In this chapter,I am going to show you how to use Nuget to manage your tools during the developing process.In addition your first model in Code First Pattern, and also the basic commands in Package Manager Console for Migration in EntityFramework.

Using Nuget to Install EntityFramework

Open Tools,select Nuget Package Manager and click Package Manager Console,then you will see the Package Manager Console dialog opened as shown in below.

Figure 6

Next execute these commands respectively.

Install-Package EntityFramework Domain

Install-Package EntityFramework WebUI

Install-Package EntityFramework WebAPI

[Tip:] You can also install the package by clicking on Manage Nuget Packages for Solution.The nuget package helps you to manage the tools you need. When you want to run your application in a new development situation, the nuget will help you download all the tools again if the new development situation does not own them.

Then put the following connectionStrings into Web.config files both in WebUI project and WebAPI project.(Caution I have to split the value of connectString atrribute across mulitple lines to fit it on the limited page,but its important to put everything on a single line in the Web.config file)

			<add name="TutorialEfDbContext" connectionString="Data Source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Initial Catalog=TutorialEfDbContext;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Create Model Classes and Implement Code First Pattern

I added a class file to the Entities project folder called Student.cs and set the content as shown in below.

[Code:] The Contents of the Student.cs File

	using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
	namespace Domain.Entities
	public class Student
    		// Every Model must has its Key attribute, it represents the Primary Key in Sql Server
    		public string Id { get; set; }
    		public string Name { get; set; }
    		public int Age { get; set; }
    		public bool Sex { get; set; }

The next important thing you need to do is creating DbContext. Add a class file under the Domian project called TutorialEfDbContext and set the content as shown in below.

[Code:] The Contents of the TutorialEfDbContext.cs File using System.Data.Entity; using Domain.Entities;

	namespace Domain
		public class TutorialEfDbContext:DbContext
    		// base("TutorialEfDbContext") is very important,because the string "TutorialEfDbContext" in it must be the same as connectionStrings name in the config file
    		public TutorialEfDbContext():base("TutorialEfDbContext")
        		Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; //disable proxy
        		Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false; //disable lazy load
		//When you want to implement the entity into sql sever as a table, you need to add the Model as property in DbContext
    		public DbSet<Student> Student { get; set; }

Last but not least, using Migration command to create database in sqlsever.Open the Package Manager Console dialog again and make sure the default project is Domain, and then successively execute the following commands.

Figure 8

  • Enable-Migrations after the execution you will find that there is a Migrations folder created and Configuration file created under that folder
  • Add-Migration Initial after the execution you will find that there is a named Initial suffix class file.Open the file you will see the Up and Down method which represents the execution and rollback operation to the SqlSever, in other words it means creating the Student table and droping the Student table
  • Update-Database -Verbose after the execution when you open the SqlSever, you will find there is a database called TutorialEfDbContext,a table called Students and also a table called MigrationHistory.

Figure 9

[Tip:] Once you enabled the migration to the project you don't need to do it again.The MigrationHistory table is used for keeping track to the changes you did to the models so that you can rollback or reproduce every change you want. In future I will tell you more operations with Migration so that it satisfies all cases you may need.


In this chapter I told you how to use nuget Install-Package to manage your tools and also the essential commands to migration.And you may find that it's easy to create a database in Sqlsever when using Code First Pattern,you only need to take the #C code into consideration.That's one of the important benefits to use that when you start a complete new application.And the reason that you need to use Migration is that when trying to develop an application you will change the models inevitablely, then it will help you update the database without losing the data you have created.

In next chapter I will show you how to use Dependency Injection(DI) to create loosely coupled systems in WebAPI. And aslo some basic applies in Web API 2.

As you develop an apllication, in an ideal situation,each component knows nothing about any other component and only deals with other areas of application throught abstract interfaces.This is known as loose coupling,and it makes testing and modifying applications easier.And what I need is a way to get objects that implement an interface without having to create the object directly.The solution to this problem is called dependency injection(DI),also known as Inversion of Control(IoC)

[Tip:] Because this tutorial is all about using tools to create Single Page Application, I will not take more time on explaining DI.But you can check the details from Wiki or google other instructions about it.Don't worry if you don't understand DI right now,you can learn it by using it and and imitating the code pattern to get the points of DI in future.

Install Ninject In WebAPI

Select Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to open the NuGet command line and enter the following commands:

	Install-Package Ninject WebAPI
	Install-Package Ninject.Web.Common WebAPI
	Install-Package Ninject.Web.WebApi WebAPI
	Install-Package Ninject.Web.WebApi.WebHost WebAPI

After install all of the packages.You will see there is a NinjectWebCommon.cs file created in App_Start project directory.In this class, check the RegisterService method which is used for resolving your dependency injection.

[Tip:] Don't worry that you don't understand what has been done in Ninject right now.The only things you need to care about is in RegisterService method, and you can check more details in Ninject.

Create Basic Crud In Domain

I added two project folders under Domain project, one is called Abstract which is made of interfaces, the other is called Concrete which is made of extension classes. As you know mostly we would get all entities, get one entity by its id,update one entity, add one and delete one, they are the basic operations.So I added an interface called IBasicCrud in Abstract folder. the content of it is shown in below.

[Code:] The Contents of the IBasicCrud.cs File

	using System.Collections.Generic;
	namespace Domain.Abstract
		public interface IBasicCrud<T>
    		List<T> GetAll();
    		T Get(string id);
    		bool Update(string id, T entity);
    		bool Add(T entity);
    		bool Delete(string id);

Then I added interface called IStudentCrud which implements IBasicCrud,the contents shown in below:

[Code:] The Contents of IStudentCrud.cs File

	using Domain.Entities;
	namespace Domain.Abstract
		public interface IStudentCrud : IBasicCrud<Student>
    		//add custom method you need in here

Last thing is creating the StudentCrud Class in Concrete project folder, then contents shown in below:

[Code:] The Contents of StudentCrud.cs File

	using System.Collections.Generic;
	using System.Linq;
	using Domain.Abstract;
	using Domain.Entities;

	namespace Domain.Concrete
	public class StudentCrud : IStudentCrud
			public List<Student> GetAll()
					using (var context = new TutorialEfDbContext())
							return context.Student.ToList();

			public Student Get(string id)
					using (var context = new TutorialEfDbContext())
							return context.Student.Find(id);

			public bool Update(string id, Student entity)
					using (var context = new TutorialEfDbContext())
							var res = context.Student.Find(id);
							res.Age = entity.Age;
							res.Name = entity.Name;
							res.Sex = entity.Sex;
							return context.SaveChanges() > 0;

			public bool Add(Student entity)
					using (var context=new TutorialEfDbContext())
							return context.SaveChanges() > 0;

			public bool Delete(string id)
					using (var context=new TutorialEfDbContext())
							var res=context.Student.Find(id);
							return context.SaveChanges() > 0;

So far so good,you have created basic infrastructure with the BasicCrud interface.And here is the thing that you need to keep in mind. When you find out there are some methods you would redo many times,you should refactor it into implementation so that you dont need to write the methods again. Thats one of the important points for Object-Oriented Programming.

Binding Domain to WebAPI

You already created basic data manipulations in Domain. The next you want to do is definitely using web api to apply them through browser url. First of all, add the Domain as a reference in WebAPI Project, right click on Reference in WebAPI Project and then click on add reference You will see a dialog says Reference Manager - WebAPI, select Projects - Solution and check on the Domain Project and click Ok as shown in below.

Figure 10

Then I opened the NinjectWebCommon.cs File in App_Start folder and added this content in RegisterServices method as shown:

private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)

**[Tip:] The RegisterServices method is used for adding binding so that you can use Constructor Dependency Injection in API Controller. Mostly you will use just like my code here, I will show the other types of binding later when we use or you can check them out in Ninject

Using RESTful API

When using Web API, it's a simple task to create a RESTful web service. Web API uses controllers just like the MVC framework, but the action methods return C# data object rather than Razor views. Getting started is easy, to demonstrate how easy it is to get up and running, I right clicked the Controller folder in Web API Project, selected Add - Controller from the pop up menu, selected the *Web API2 Controller - Empty * template, and name it StudentsController.

[Tip:] There are two important namespaces in Web API development: System.Net.Http and System.Web.Http. Web API relies on an abstract model of HTTP requests and responses that is defined in System.Net.Http. The classes from this namespace that you will work with most often are HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage, which are used to represent an HTTP request from the client and the response that will be sent in return.

I used Constructor Dependency Injection in this controller, and created regions so that making the whole code clear and clean. The contents of StudentsController.cs is shown in below:

[Code:] The Contents of StudentsController.cs File

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.Http;
using Domain.Abstract;
using Domain.Entities;

namespace WebAPI.Controllers
public class StudentsController : ApiController
    #region Fields

    private IStudentCrud _student;


    #region Constructor

    public StudentsController(IStudentCrud student)
        _student = student;

    #region SLP

    public IEnumerable<Student> GetStudents()
        return _student.GetAll();
    public Student GetStudent(string id)
        return _student.Get(id);

    public bool PostStudent(Student student)
        return _student.Add(student);

    public bool DeleteStudent(string id)
        return _student.Delete(id);


Then I right clicked the WebAPI project, selected Debug - Start new instance from pop up menu. You will see the project is running and a new site opened in your default browser. And use the browser to request the following url: http://localhost:35081/api/students/conan (you may have different port number in your situation, just replace my 35801 with yours number). If everything is working correctly, then you will see the following response displayed in browser window.

<Student xmlns:i="" xmlns="" i:nil="true"/>

The response is an XML document that describes the Student from database, whose Id property corresponds to the one I specified in the url, since we don't create any data right now, its an empty node.


This is a tutorial for .Net developer to learn how to create most popular single page application project from beginning to high level.






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