Small toolbox for Isogeometric analysis. Built on top of Ferrite
Currently only works on Ferrite master branch
The API is similar to Ferrite.jl:
using Ferrite, IGA
order = 2 # second order NURBS
nels = (20,10) # Number of elements
patch = generate_nurbs_patch(:plate_with_hole, nels, order)
#Convert nurbs patch to a Grid structure with bezier-extraction operators
grid = BezierGrid(patch)
#Create interpolation and shape values
ip = IGAInterpolation{RefQuadrilateral,order}() #Bernstein polynomials
qr_cell = QuadratureRule{RefQuadrilateral}(4)
cv = BezierCellValues(qr_cell, ip, update_hessians=true)
#update cell values
coords::BezierCoords = getcoordinates(grid, 1)
reinit!(cv, coords)