Releases: lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder
Releases · lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了使用屏幕放大镜后下次还是自动启用的问题
- 在改变窗口选择器过滤选项的时候自动刷新窗口列表
- 改变了偏好设置面板的弹出方式
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Screen magnifier pops up even if it is not enabled
- Auto refresh the window list when changing the filter options
- Show preferences in a separate window
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了某些情况下无法正常列出所有窗口缩略图的问题
- 添加了警告防止用户运行多个 QuickRecorder 实例
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Unable to create window thumbnail list
- Prevent users from running multiple instances of QuickRecorder
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 使用"屏幕区域"录制功能时会自动恢复上次的选择区域
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Auto restore the last selected area when use "Screen Area" mode
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了 QuickRecorder 被设为默认视频播放器的问题
- 修复了意大利语翻译导致的界面错位
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: QuickRecorder is no longer set as default player
- Fixed: Italian localization
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 添加了"降低麦克风音频串扰"的选项, 开启后可以抑制外放回音
- 修复了视频修剪器导出缓慢和丢失声音的问题
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Added: New "Enable Acoustic Echo Cancellation" option
- Fixed: Fixed: Video trimmer export slow and missing audio
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Cannot recording system sound
- Added: Save recordings in MP3 format
- Fixed: Video trimmer opening wrong file (@Pedro-Beirao)
- Added: Italian localization (@piersandro)
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了"演讲者前置"功能无法正常工作的问题
- 修复了摄像头悬浮窗的显示逻辑
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Presenter Overlay not working properly
- Fixed: Camera overlay displays incorrectly
如果觉得我的 App 不错, 求打赏
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了使用屏幕区域录制功能后 CPU 占用率异常升高的问题
- 修复了屏幕区域选择器转移到另一个屏幕上后录制错位的问题
- 修复了某些录制模式下, 菜单栏控制器样式错误的问题
- 添加了开始录制一段时间后定时停止录制的功能
- 添加了可以将麦克风声音合并入主音轨的功能
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: High CPU usage after using the screen area recording
- Fixed: Area selector got wrong position after moving to another screen
- Fixed: Incorrect menu bar controller style in some recording modes
- Added the ability to stop recording at a scheduled time
- Added the ability to merge microphone sounds into the main audio track
如果觉得我的 App 不错, 求打赏
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了即使设置不显示菜单栏图标, 菜单栏也会出现空白图标的bug
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed an issue where a blank icon appears in menubar
如果觉得我的 App 不错, 求打赏
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了使用快捷键开始录制后, 菜单栏指示器不显示的问题
- 修正部分 UI 文本以及部分控件在英文环境下显示异常的问题
- 现在可以选择将 QuickRecorder 图标显示在 Dock 或菜单栏
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Indicator does not display when using hotkeys to start recording
- Fixed: Some UI string are not displayed properly in English environment
- You can now choose to display the App icon in the Dock or menu bar
如果觉得我的 App 不错, 求打赏