QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了使用屏幕区域录制功能后 CPU 占用率异常升高的问题
- 修复了屏幕区域选择器转移到另一个屏幕上后录制错位的问题
- 修复了某些录制模式下, 菜单栏控制器样式错误的问题
- 添加了开始录制一段时间后定时停止录制的功能
- 添加了可以将麦克风声音合并入主音轨的功能
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: High CPU usage after using the screen area recording
- Fixed: Area selector got wrong position after moving to another screen
- Fixed: Incorrect menu bar controller style in some recording modes
- Added the ability to stop recording at a scheduled time
- Added the ability to merge microphone sounds into the main audio track