This library provides catppuccin colors in kotlin. It contains HEX, RGB and HSL colors.
You can also find this app using the library if more examples are needed.
If you use Groovy DSL (app build.gradle)
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
If you use Kotlin DSL (settings.gradle):
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
On your app gradle add:
//If you use Groovy DSL
implementation 'com.github.lighttigerxiv:catppuccin-kt:1.0.0'
//If you use Kotlin DSL
implementation ("com.github.lighttigerxiv:catppuccin-kt:1.0.0")
In general, you can get a theme or a color.
To get a a theme you can use:
val latte = getLatteColors() //Returns a list with latte colors
val frappe = getFrappeColors() //Returns a list with frappe colors
val macchiato = getMacchiatoColors() //Returns a list with macchiato colors
val mocha = getMochaColors() //Returns a list with mocha colors
To get a specific color:
val latteGreen = getColor(Label.LATTE_GREEN)
val frappeRosewater = getColor(Label.FRAPPE_ROSEWATER)
val macchiatoRed = getColor(Label.MACCHIATO_RED)
val mochaBlue = getColor(Label.MOCHA_BLUE)
//You can also get the color with:
val latteGreen = getLatteColors().green
To get a hex string:
val mochaBlueHex = getHexColor(Label.MOCHA_BLUE).code //returns the hex code as String ("#89b4fa")
val latteGreenHex = getLatteColors(Label.LATTE_GREEN).code
To get the hex long, to use with jetpack compose:
val mochaBlue = getHexColor(Label.MOCHA_BLUE).asLong() //returns the hex code as Long (0xff89b4fa)
//You can also use it like:
modifier = Modifier
To get the rgb colors:
val rgb = getRGBColor(Label.MOCHA_BLUE) //returns the RGB object
val r = rgb.r //returns the red Int value: (137)
val g = rgb.g //returns the green Int value: (180)
val b = rgb.b //returns the blue Int value: (250)
val colorString = rgb.asString() //returns the rgb string (rgb(137, 180, 250))
To get the hsl colors:
val hsl = getHSLColor(Label.MOCHA_BLUE) //returns the HSL object
val h = hsl.h //returns the hue Int value: (217)
val s = hsl.s //returns the saturation Int value: (92)
val l = hsl.l //returns the lightness Int value: (76)
val colorString = hsl.asString() //returns the hsl string (hsl(217, 92%, 76%))