This library automatically reports a set of predefined host metrics (such as CPU and memory usage) to the Lightstep backend.
Java 8 or newer is required. When running Java 7, no metrics reporting will be performed.
Note: Using this artifact requires tracing being done in the same process and sharing the same service name/version and access token. If not done, the reported metrics will be ignored at the backend.
import com.lightstep.tracer.metrics.Metrics;
import com.lightstep.tracer.metrics.OkHttpSender;
import com.lightstep.tracer.metrics.Sender;
// Done once, at application initialization.
Sender<?,?> sender = new OkHttpSender(
"MyServiceName", // Service/Component name.
"MyAccessToken", // Access Token. Nullable
"1.2.3", // Service version. Nullable
"https://" // Metrics url
30000 // connect timeout in milliseconds
// Metrics inherits from Thread.
Metrics metrics = new Metrics(
30 // sample period in seconds
// Done at application/reporter shutdown.