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Mustafa Tan edited this page Jul 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Q. Is LightAPRS 2.0 upgraded version of LightAPRS 1.0?

A. Exactly. Basic differences between LightAPRS 1.0 and LightAPRS 2.0 are:

  • LightAPRS 2.0 has a faster CPU and Flash/Ram doubled
  • LightAPRS 2.0 does not need CH3G0G driver for USB serial port.
  • LightAPRS 2.0 does not need to configure Board Manager (such as MightyCore) for Arduino.
  • LightAPRS 2.0 has a better regulator (wider input voltage range)

Q. Can you share dimensioning for the mounting holes?


Q. What is Pico Balloon?

A. A pico balloon is a small beacon tied to a relatively normal balloon filled with helium or hydrogen. The beacon is very light and can contain various sensors measuring basic atmospheric variables – there are no limits to your creativity. The data is obtained by radio transmission using unlicensed or licensed bands. When inflated correctly, the balloon can rise up to 10 kilometers (with party balloons), where it floats and drifts with the air streams. A pico balloon presents a very interesting challenge for makers – be it working with the limited weight, limited power options or radio communication. Join mail group to learn more about the pico balloon hobby.

Q. Do I need a permission to launch a pico balloon?

A. No you don't. Since pico balloons are very small and light, you are FAA 101 exempt. Please check out this page for detailed info.

Q. For tracking a pico ballon around the world, using amateur radio frequencies is not the only option ?

A. Not anymore. Thanks to public LoRaWAN networks such as TTN (The Things Network) and and our LoRa Tracker

Q. Is LightAPRS 2.0 frequency agile like LightAPRS-W 1.0?

A. Yes it's. LightAPRS 2.0's VHF (APRS) radio module supports 144 to 146 MHz and software (open source) automatically change APRS region settings based on GPS location.


Q. What about power consumption? Lower than LightAPRS 1.0?

A. Yes, a little bit lower due to new regulator and MCU.

Q. I'm interested in pico balloon flights but I have no experience. What kind of balloon, solar panel, capacitor, etc. should I use?

A. Please check out our wiki page Tips & Tricks for Pico Balloons:

Q. What kind of antenna do i need to use on LightAPRS 2.0?

A. You can use any type. For airborne projects (such as pico balloons) we suggest quarter wave monopole antenna for VHF (2m APRS) because this makes your payload lighter. So just cut a light 50 cm. wire and solder it to antenna footprint (VHF) Since your payload is airborne and radio module is powerful, you don't need an extra wire for ground.

Q. How can I track my balloon?



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