Issues that happen specifically in Chrome browser
Issues that happen specifically in MS Edge browser
Issues that happen specifically in Firefox browser
Issues that happen specifically in IE browser
Issues that happen specifically in Safari browser
Issues related to accessibility in general
Issues related to components of Charts in soy or React
Issues related to Clay components. (e.g ClayCard, ClayLabel...)
Issues related to Clay CSS
Issues related to website infrastructure or other things outside the documentation
Issues related to documentation in general, be or other means...
Issues Related to Our Clay Component Generator
Issues related to the icon library
They are used in problems that are related to monorepo infrastructure, build, process automation...
Old LexiconCSS site for LexiconCSS 1.x
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update javascript code
An issue equivalent to Spike on Jira
Issues that are duplicates
Issues that have the same problem in common with other
Issues that will no longer be worked on