This command line interface provides functionality offered by LifeOmic's Precision Health Cloud APIs inside an interactive terminal or in a scripted environment.
- node version >= 12.0.0
Install via npm
or yarn
npm install -g @lifeomic/cli
yarn global add @lifeomic/cli
or you can download and install the binary from the latest release.
Run lo setup
to configure the default environment and account you wish to use.
You can later override the default account using the -a
option for commands.
Use lo auth
to obtain access credentials when using username / password
authentication. A browser will be opened and you can enter your credentials in
the LifeOmic login view.
You can also use the client credentials grant flow for obtaining access tokens.
To do this, create a custom authentication client
here and be sure to
select the Client credentials
flow under the Allowed OAuth Flows
Run lo setup
again and choose Y
to use a custom authentication client and
enter the client ID and secret and then choose Y
again to use client
credentials for authentication. Note that for this option, you do not need to
run lo auth
as username and password credentials are not used for this
credentials grant.
You can also provide an API key or access and refresh tokens in
environment variables. With these
set, you can bypass using lo auth
To use an API key for authentication, follow the
Set Up API Keys
instructions to create the key. You can also use the command lo api-keys-create
Be sure to capture the value of the API key when it is created as you will not
be able to retrieve the value after the first attempt. Run lo setup
and choose
'Y' to use an API key and provide the API key value.
If you wish to use SSO, then you need to create a custom authentication client
here and configure
your SAML 2.0 identity provider. For the callback URL on the authentication
client, be sure to add http://localhost:8787
. Then run lo setup
again and
choose 'Y' to use a custom authentication client and provide the client ID and
secret (if a private client was created). When running lo auth
again, a
browser should open and be redirected to the identity provider being used for
lo <command> [options]
offers many commands and those can be displayed by using the -h / --help
command line option. For example:
❯ lo --help
Usage: lo <command> [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
accounts [options] List accounts
accounts-get [options] <account> Fetch an account
Get help for a specific command:
❯ lo <command> --help
❯ lo tasks --help
Usage: tasks [options] <datasetId>
List tasks
-a, --account <account> Override the default LifeOmic account
--json Print output as JSON
--prefix <prefix> Filter tasks where the name begins with a prefix
--state <state> Filter tasks by state
--view <view> Specify MINIMAL to just get task state
--page-size <pageSize> Number of items to return (default: 25)
--next-page-token <nextPageToken> Next page token
-h, --help output usage information
We encourage public contributions! Please review and for details on our code of conduct and development process.
This project is hosted on GitHub. You can clone this project directly using this command:
git clone
Run tests with npm
or yarn
npm test
yarn test
Releases are created by making a PR, incrementing the version in package.json
, merging the PR,
and then finally tagging master with a tag like v4.5.3
Packages for each release are published to npm. See for release notes.
This project uses Semantic Versioning.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE file for details.
See the list of contributors who participate in this project.
This project is built with the following:
- axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- yargs - CLI argument parser
- configstore - Easily load and persist config without having to think about where and how
- ava - Testing framework