A Cron job is a Linux command used for scheduling tasks to be executed sometime in the future. It can be used to perform certain tasks automatically on linux environment with precise timing.
wget https://github.com/lifeofsoumya/Cronjob-Shell/blob/master/cronjob.sh
sudo chmod +x cronjob.sh
nano cronjob.sh
crontab -e
m h dom mon dow command
[ minute, hour, day of month, month, day of week ]
( * ) means any ( / ) step values
15 18 * * 0 date >> sundays.txt
1 0 1 * * ./cronJob.sh
0 10 * * 1 tar -cvf my_backup_path\my_archive.tar.gz $HOME\
*/5 * * * * ./cronJob.sh
crontab -l
Cronjob can be launched over Google Cloud Platform / Amazon Web Services