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Math::Matrix::Bundle - vectors, matrices, decompositions and more




This repo will be the new home and successor of this project.


Matrices are tables with rows and columns (index counting from 0) of numbers (Numeric type - Bool or Int or Num or Rat or FatRat or Complex):

transpose, invert, negate, add, multiply, dot product, tensor product, 22 ops, determinant, rank, norm
14 numerical properties, 23 boolean properties, 3 decompositions, submatrix, splice, map, reduce and more

Table of Content:


Because the list based, functional toolbox of Perl 6 is not enough to calculate matrices comfortably, there is a need for a dedicated data type. The aim is to provide a full featured set of structural and mathematical operations that integrate fully with the Perl 6 conventions. This module is pure perl and we plan to use native shaped arrays one day.

Matrices are readonly - operations and functions do create new matrix objects. All methods return readonly data or deep clones - also the constructor does a deep clone of provided data. In that sense the library is thread safe.

All computation heavy properties will be calculated lazily and cached.

Methods that create a new Math::Matrix object. The default is of course .new, which can take array of array of values (fastest) or one string. Additional constructers: new-zero, new-identity, new-diagonal and new-vector-product are there for convenience and to optimize property calculation.

The default constructor, takes arrays of arrays of numbers as the only required parameter. Each second level array represents a row in the matrix. That is why their length has to be the same. Empty rows or columns we not be accepted.

say [[1,2],[3,4]] ) :

1 2
3 4[<1 2>,<3 4>]); # does the same, WARNING: doesn't work with complex numbers [[1]] );       # one element 1*1 matrix (exception where you don't have to mind comma) [[1,2,3],] );  # one row 1*3 matrix, mind the trailing comma [$[1,2,3]] );  # does the same, if you don't like trailing comma [[1],[2]] );   # one column 2*1 matrix

use Math::Matrix :MM;            # tag :ALL works too
MM [[1,2],[3,4]];                # shortcut

Instead of square brackets you can use round ones too and use a list of lists as argument too.

say ((1,2),(3,4)) );
say MM ((1,2),(3,4)) :

1 2
3 4

Alternatively you can define the matrix from a string, which makes most sense while using heredocs."1 2 \n 3 4"); # our demo matrix as string q:to/END/;    # indent as you wish
    1 2
    3 4

use Math::Matrix :ALL;          # 
MM '1';                         # 1 * 1 matrix, this case begs for a shortcut

This method is a constructor, that returns a zero matrix (sometimes called empty), as checked by is-zero. It has the size as given by arguments. If only one argument is given, the matrix is quadratic. All the elements are set to 0.

say 3, 4 ) :

0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0

say 2 ) :

0 0
0 0

This method is a constructor that returns an identity matrix (as checked by is-identity) of the size given in the only and required parameter. All the elements are set to 0 except the top/left to bottom/right diagonale is set to 1.

say 3 ) :
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1

This method is a constructor that returns an diagonal matrix (as checked by is-diagonal) of the size given by count of the parameter. All the elements are set to 0 except the top/left to bottom/right diagonal, set to given values.

say 2, 4, 5 ) :

2 0 0
0 4 0
0 0 5

This method is a constructor that returns a matrix which is a result of the matrix product (method dot-product, or operator dot) of a column vector (first argument) and a row vector (second argument). It can also be understood as a tensor product of row and column.

say[1,2,3],[2,3,4]) :

*    2    3    4
1  1*2  1*3  1*4     2  3  4
2  2*2  2*3  2*4  =  4  6  8
3  3*2  3*3  3*4     6  9 12

Methods that return the content of selected elements.

element, AT-POS, row, column, diagonal, skew-diagonal, submatrix

Gets value of one element in row (first parameter) and column (second parameter - counting always from 0). Sometimes its called matrix cell, to ditinct from other type of elements. See: elems, elem, element-type

my $matrix =[[1,2],[3,4]]);
say $matrix.element(0,1)            : 2
say $matrix[0][1]                   # array syntax alias

Gets row as array to enable direct postcircumfix syntax as shown in last example.

say $matrix.AT-POS(0)     : [1,2]
say $matrix[0]            # operator alias
say $matrix.Array[0]      # long alias with converter method Array

Gets values of specified row (first required parameter) as a list.

say[[1,2],[3,4]]).row(0) : (1, 2)

Gets values of specified column (first required parameter) as a list.

say[[1,2],[3,4]]).column(0) : (1, 3)

Without an argument it returns values of main diagonal elements as a list. Use the optional parameter to get any other parallel diagonal. Positive value for the ones above - negative below and 0 for the main diagonal. The matrix does not have to be a quadratic (square).

say[[1,2],[3,4]]      ).diagonal    : (1, 4)
say[[1,2],[3,4]]      ).diagonal(1) : (2)
say[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]).diagonal(-1): (3, 6)

Unlike a diagonal, a skew diagonal is only defined for square matrixes. It runs from $matrix[n][0] to $matrix[0][n], n being row or column size - 1. Use the optional parameter to get any other parallel skew diagonal. Positive value for the ones below - negative above.

say $matrix.skew-diagonal    : (2, 3)
say $matrix.skew-diagonal(0) : (2, 3)
say $matrix.skew-diagonal(-1) : (1)
say $matrix.skew-diagonal(1): (4)

Returns a matrix that might miss certain rows and columns of the original. This method accepts arguments in three different formats. The first follows the strict mathematical definition of a submatrix, the second supports a rather visual understanding of the term and the third is a way to get almost any combination rows and columns you might wish for. To properly present these functions, we base the next examples upon this matrix:

say $m:    1 2 3 4
           2 3 4 5
           3 4 5 6
           4 5 6 7

In mathematics, a submatrix is built by leaving out one row and one column. In the two argument format you name these by their index ($row, $column).

say $m.submatrix(1,2) :    1 2 4
                           3 4 6
                           4 5 7

If you provide two ranges (row-min .. row-max, col-min .. col-max - both optional) to the appropriately named arguments, you get the excerpt of the matrix, that contains only the requested rows and columns - still in the original order.

say $m.submatrix( rows => 1..1, columns => 1..*) :      4 5        
say $m.submatrix( rows => 1..1 )                 :    3 4 5

Alternatively each (as previously) named argument can also take a list (or array) of values, as created my the sequence operator (...). The result will be a matrix with that selection of rows and columns. Please note, you may pick rows/columns in any order and as many times you prefer.

$m.submatrix(rows => (1,2), columns => (3,2)):    5 4
                                                  6 5
$m.submatrix(rows => (1...2), columns => (3,2))  # same thing

Arguments with ranges and lists can be mixed and are in both cases optional. If you provide none of them, the result will be the original matrix.

say $m.submatrix( rows => (1,) )              :   3 4 5        

$m.submatrix(rows => (1..*), columns => (3,2)):   5 4
                                                  6 5

Even more powerful or explicit in syntax are the structural ops.

Methods that convert a matrix into other types: Bool, Str, Numeric, Range, Array, Hash, list, list-rows, list-columns or allow different views on the overall content (output formats): gist, perl.

Conversion into Bool context. Returns False if matrix is zero (all elements equal zero as in is-zero), otherwise True.

? $matrix           # alias op
if $matrix          # matrix in Bool context too

Returns values of all elements, separated by one whitespace, rows by new line. This is the same format as expected by new(""). Str is called implicitly by put and print. A shortened version is provided by gist


1 2                 # meaning: "1 2\n3 4"
3 4                

~$matrix            # alias op

Conversion into Numeric context. Returns Euclidean norm. Please note, only a prefix operator + (as in: + $matrix) will call this Method. An infix (as in $matrix + $number) calls $matrix.add($number).

+ $matrix           # alias op

Returns an range object that reflects the content of all elements. Please note that complex number can not be endpoints of ranges.

say $matrix.Range: 1..4

To get single endpoints you could write:

say $matrix.Range.min: 1
say $matrix.list.max:  4

Content of all elements as an array of arrays (same format that was put into new([...])).

say[[1,2],[3,4]]).Array : [[1 2] [3 4]]
say @ $matrix       # alias op, space between @ and $ needed

Returns a flat list with all elements (same as .list-rows.flat.list).

say $matrix.list    : (1 2 3 4)
say |$matrix        # alias op

Returns a list of lists, reflecting the row-wise content of the matrix. Same format as new () takes in.

say [[1,2],[3,4]] ).list-rows      : ((1 2) (3 4))
say [[1,2],[3,4]] ).list-rows.flat : (1 2 3 4)

Returns a list of lists, reflecting the row-wise content of the matrix.

say [[1,2],[3,4]] ).list-columns : ((1 3) (2 4))
say [[1,2],[3,4]] ).list-columns.flat : (1 3 2 4)

Gets you a nested key - value hash.

say $matrix.Hash : { 0 => { 0 => 1, 1 => 2}, 1 => {0 => 3, 1 => 4} } 
say % $matrix       # alias op, space between % and $ still needed

Limited tabular view, optimized for shell output. Just cuts off excessive columns that do not fit into standard terminal and also stops after 20 rows. If you call it explicitly, you can add width and height (char count) as optional arguments. Might even not show all decimals. Several dots will hint that something is missing. It is implicitly called by say. For a full view use Str.

say $matrix;      # output of a matrix with more than 100 elements

1 2 3 4 5 ..
3 4 5 6 7 ..

say $matrix.gist(max-chars => 100, max-rows => 5 );

max-chars is the maximum amount of characters in any row of output (default is 80). max-rows is the maximum amount of rows gist will put out (default is 20). After gist ist called once (with or without arguments) the output will be cached. So next time you call:

say $matrix       # 100 x 5 is still the max

You change the cache by calling gist with arguments again.

Conversion into String that can reevaluated into the same object later using default constructor.

my $clone = eval $matrix.perl;       # same as: $matrix.clone

These are mathematical properties, a given matrix has or not. Thus, the return value is a always of boolean type. Arguments, like in case of is-diagonally-dominant, are only necessary when a method can tell you about a group of closely related properties.

square, zero, identity, triangular, upper-triangular, lower-triangular, diagonal, diagonally-dominant, diagonal-constant, catalecticant, symmetric, anti-symmetric, unitary, self-adjoint, invertible, orthogonal, positive-definite, positive-semidefinite

True if number of rows and colums are the same (see size).

True if every element has value of 0 (as created by new-zero).

True if every element on the main diagonal (where row index equals column index) is 1 and any other element is 0.

Example:    1 0 0
            0 1 0
            0 0 1

True if matrix is-upper-triangular or is-lower-triangular (none - strict).

a.k.a right triangular matrix: every element below the diagonal (where row index is greater than column index) is 0. In other words: the lower-bandwith is zero.

Example:    1 2 5
            0 3 8
            0 0 7

There is an optional, boolean argument named :strict.

$!strict);   # asks for matrix is none strict triangular (default)
$;    # search for strictly triangular matrix

Example:    0 2 5
            0 0 8
            0 0 0

a.k.a left triangular matrix: every element above the diagonal (where row index is smaller than column index) is 0. In other words: the upper-bandwith is zero.

Example:    1 0 0
            2 3 0
            5 8 7

Has also an optional, boolean argument named :strict.

$!strict);   # asks for matrix is none strict triangular (default)
$;    # search for strictly triangular matrix

Example:    0 0 0
            2 0 0
            5 8 0

True if matrix is square and only elements on the diagonal differ from 0. In other words: if matrix is upper-triangular and lower-triangular.

Example:    1 0 0
            0 3 0
            0 0 7

True when elements on the diagonal have a bigger (if strict) or at least equal (in none strict) absolute value than the sum of its row (sum of absolute values of the row except diagonal element).

if $ {
$!strict)      # same thing (default)
$       # diagonal elements (DE) are stricly greater (>)
$!strict, :along<column>) # default
$,  :along<row>)    # DE > sum of rest row
$!strict, :along<both>)   # DE >= sum of rest row and rest column

Checks if caller is a diagonal-constant or Töplitz matrix. True if every diagonal is the a collection of elements that hold the same value.

Example:     0  1  2
            -1  0  1
            -2 -1  0

Checks if caller is a catalecticant or Hankel matrix. True if every skew diagonal is the a collection of elements that hold the same value. Catalecticant matrices are symmetric.

Example:     0  1  2
             1  2  3
             2  3  4

True if every element with coordinates x y has same value as the element on y x. In other words: $matrix and $matrix.transposed (alias T) are the same.

Example:    1 2 3
            2 5 4
            3 4 7

Means the transposed and negated matrix are the same.

Example:    0  2  3
           -2  0  4
           -3 -4  0

A Hermitian or self-adjoint matrix is equal to its transposed and complex conjugated.

Example:    1   2   3+i
            2   5   4
            3-i 4   7

Also called nonsingular or nondegenerate. (To ask if matrix is degenerate or singular - simply negate the result with ! or not). Is True if matrix (is-square) and determinant is not zero. All rows or colums have to be independent vectors. Please check this before using $matrix.inverted, or you will get an exception, in case it was degenerate.

An orthogonal matrix multiplied (dot-product) with its transposed derivative (T) is an identity matrix or in other words: transposed and inverted matrices are equal.

An unitery matrix multiplied (dot-product) with its concjugate transposed derivative (.conj.T) is an identity matrix, or said differently: the concjugate transposed matrix equals the inverted matrix.

True if all main minors or all Eigenvalues are strictly greater zero.

True if all main minors or all Eigenvalues are greater equal zero.

Matrix properties that are expressed with a single number, which will be calculated without further input.

size, density, bandwith: (lower-bandwith, upper-bandwith), trace, rank, nullity, determinant, minor, norm, condition, element-type: (narrowest-element-type, widest-element-type)

List of two values: number of rows and number of columns.

say $matrix.size();
my $dim = min $matrix.size;

Density is the percentage of elements which are not zero. sparsity = 1 - density.

my $d = $matrix.density;

Is roughly the greatest distance of a none zero value from the main diagonal. A matrix that is-diagonal has a bandwith of 0. If there is a none zero value on an diagonal above or below the main diagonal, tha bandwith would be one.

my $bw = $matrix.bandwith;

In a matrix with the lower bandwith of k, every element with row index m and column index n, for which holds m - k > n, the content has to be zero. Literally speaking: there are k diagonals below the main diagonal, that contain none zero values.

Analogously, every element with m + k < n is zero if matrix has an upper bandwith of k.

Example:    1  0  0
            4  2  0
            0  5  3

The bidiagonal example matrix has an upper bandwith of zero and lower bandwith of one, so the overall bandwith is one.

The trace of a square matrix is the sum of the elements on the main diagonal. In other words: sum of elements which row and column value is identical.

my $tr = $matrix.trace;

Rank is the number of independent row or column vectors or also called independent dimensions (thats why this command is sometimes calles dim)

my $r = $matrix.rank;

Nullity of a matrix is the number of dependent rows or columns (rank + nullity = dim). Or number of dimensions of the kernel (vector space mapped by the matrix into zero).

my $n = $matrix.nullity;

Only a square matrice has a defined determinant, which tells the volume, spanned by the row or column vectors. So if the volume is just in one dimension flat, the determinant is zero, and has a kernel (not a full rank - thus is not invertible).

my $det = $matrix.determinant;
my $d = $matrix.det;                # same thing
my $d = ❘ $matrix ❘;                # unicode operator shortcut

A Minor is the determinant of a submatrix (first variant with same 2 scalar arguments a minor method). The two required positional arguments are row and column indices of an existing element.

my $m = $matrix.minor(1,2);

A norm is a single positive number, which is an abstraction to the concept of size. Most common form for matrices is the p-norm, where in step 1 the absolute value of every element is taken to the power of p. The sum of these results is taken to the power of 1/p. The p-q-Norm extents this process. In his step 2 every column-sum is taken to the power of (p/q). In step 3 the sum of these are taken to the power of (1/q).

my $norm = $matrix.norm( );           # euclidian norm aka L2 (p = 2, q = 2)
my $norm = + $matrix;                 # context op shortcut
my $norm = ‖ $matrix ‖;               # unicode op shortcut
my $norm = $matrix.norm(1);           # p-norm aka L1 = sum of all elements absolute values (p = 1, q = 1)
my $norm = $matrix.norm(p:<4>,q:<3>); # p,q - norm, p = 4, q = 3
my $norm = $matrix.norm(p:<2>,q:<2>); # L2 aka Euclidean aka Frobenius norm
my $norm = $matrix.norm('euclidean'); # same thing, more expressive to some
my $norm = $matrix.norm('frobenius'); # same thing, more expressive to some
my $norm = $matrix.norm('max');       # maximum norm - biggest absolute value of a element
$matrix.norm('row-sum');              # row sum norm - biggest abs. value-sum of a row
$matrix.norm('column-sum');           # column sum norm - same column wise

Condition number of a matrix is L2 norm * L2 of inverted matrix.

my $c = $matrix.condition( );

Matrix elements can be (from most narrow to widest), of type (Bool), (Int), (Num), (Rat), (FatRat) or (Complex). The widest type of any element will returned as type object.

In the next example the smartmatch returns true, because no element of our default example matrix has wider type than (Int). After such a test all elements can be safely treated as Int or Bool.

if $matrix.widest-element-type ~~ Int { ...

You can also check if all elements have the same type:

if $matrix.widest-element-type eqv $matrix.narrowest-element-type

Single matrices, that can be computed with only our original matrix as input.

transposed, negated, conjugated, adjugated, inverted, reduced-row-echelon-form

Returns a new, transposed Matrix, where rows became colums and vice versa.[[1,2,3],[3,4,6]]).transposed :

[[1 2 3]     = [[1 4]
 [4 5 6]].T     [2 5]
                [3 6]][[1,2,3],[3,4,6]]).T # same but shorter

Creates a matrix where every element has the negated value of the original (invertion of sign).

my $new = $matrix.negated();     # invert sign of all elements
my $neg = - $matrix;             # operator alias

say $neg:  -1 -2
           -3 -4

Creates a matrix where every element is the complex conjugated of the original.

my $c = $matrix.conjugated();    # change every value to its complex conjugated
my $c = $matrix.conj();          # short alias (official Perl 6 name)

say[[1+i,2],[3,4-i]]).conj :

1-1i  2   
3     4+1i

Creates a matrix out of the properly signed minors of the original. It is called adjugate, classical adjoint or sometimes adjunct.

$matrix.adjugated.say :

 4 -3
-2  1

Matrices that have a square form and a full rank can be inverted (see is-invertible). Inverse matrix regarding to matrix multiplication (see dot-product). The dot product of a matrix with it's inverted results in a identity matrix (neutral element in this group).

my $i = $matrix.inverted();      # invert matrix
my $i = $matrix ** -1;           # operator alias

say $i:

 -2    1
1.5 -0.5

Return the reduced row echelon form of a matrix, a.k.a. row canonical form

my $rref = $matrix.reduced-row-echelon-form();
my $rref = $matrix.rref();       # short alias

Methods that return lists of matrices, which in their product or otherwise can be recombined to the original matrix. In case of cholesky only one matrix is returned, because the other one is its transposed.

my ($L, $U, $P) = $matrix.decompositionLU( );
$L dot $U eq $matrix dot $P;         # True
my ($L, $U) = $matrix.decompositionLUC(:!pivot);
$L dot $U eq $matrix;                # True

$L is a left triangular matrix and $R is a right one Without pivotisation the marix has to be invertible (square and full ranked). In case you whant two unipotent triangular matrices and a diagonal (D): use the :diagonal option, which can be freely combined with :pivot.

my ($L, $D, $U, $P) = $matrix.decompositionLU( :diagonal );
$L dot $D dot $U eq $matrix dot $P;  # True
my ($L, $U) = $matrix.decompositionLUCrout( );
$L dot $U eq $matrix;                # True

$L is a left triangular matrix and $R is a right one This decomposition works only on invertible matrices (square and full ranked).

This decomposition works only on symmetric and definite positive matrices.

my $D = $matrix.decompositionCholesky( );  # $D is a left triangular matrix
$D dot $D.T eq $matrix;                    # True

Matrix math methods on full matrices and also parts (for gaussian table operations).

They are: equal, add, multiply, dot-product, tensor-product.

Checks two matrices for equality. They have to be of same size and every element of the first matrix on a particular position has to be numerically equal (as checked by ==) to the element (on the same position) of the second matrix.

if $matrixa.equal( $matrixb ) {   # method variant
if $matrixa == $matrixb {         # operator alias
if $matrixa ~~ $matrixb {         # smart match redirects to ==

Adding a matrix, vector or scalar. Named arguments :row and :column have no fixed position.

When adding two matrices, they have to be of the same size. Instead of Math::matrix object you can also provide the element data as new [], new () or new "" would accept it.

$matrix.add( $matrix2 );
$matrix.add( [[2,3],[4,5]] ); # data alias
$matrix + $matrix2            # operator alias

Example:    1 2  +  2 3  =  3 5
            3 4     4 5     7 9

To add a vector you have to specify to which row or column it should be added and give a list or array (which have to fit the matrix size).

$matrix.add( row => 1, [2,3] );

Example:    1 2  +       =  1 2
            3 4    2 3      5 7

$matrix.add( column => 1, (2,3) );

Example:    1 2  +   2   =  1 4
            3 4      3      3 7

When adding a single number to the matrix, it will be added to every element. If you provide a row or column number it will be only added to that row or column. In case you provide both, only a single element gets a different value in the result matrix.

$matrix.add( $number );       # adds number from every element 
$matrix + $number;            # works too

Example:    1 2  +  5    =  6 7 
            3 4             8 9

            1 2  +  2 3  =  3 5
            3 4     4 5     7 9

$matrix.add( row => 1, 3 ):             [[1,2],[6,7]]
$matrix.add( row => 1, column=> 0, 2 ): [[1,2],[5,4]]

Unlike the dot-product and tensor-product, this operation is the simple, scalar multiplication applied to elements. That is why this method works analogous to the scalar variant of add. However, when a matrix of same size is given, the result will be a matrix of that size again. Each element will be the product of two the two elements of the operands with the same indices (position).

my $product = $matrix.multiply( $number );   # multiply every element with number
my $p = $matrix * $number;                   # works too

Example:    1 2  *  5    =   5 10 
            3 4             15 20

my $product = $matrix.multiply( $matrix2 );  # element wise multiplication of same size matrices
my $p = $matrix * $matrix2;                  # works too

Example:    1 2  *  2 3  =   2  6
            3 4     4 5     12 20

$matrix.multiply( row => 0, 2);

Example:    1 2  * 2     =  2 4
            3 4             3 4

$matrix.multiply(2, column => 0 );

Example:    1 2   =  2 2
            3 4      6 4

$matrix.multiply(row => 1, column => 1, 3) : [[1,2],[3,12]]

Matrix multiplication of two fitting matrices (colums left == rows right). [[1,2],[3,4]] ).dot-product([[2,3],[4,5]]) );

Example:    2  3
            4  5
     1 2   10 13  =  1*2+2*4  1*3+2*5
     3 4   22 29     3*2+4*4  3*3+4*5

my $product = $ $matrix2 )
my $c = $a dot $b;              # works too as operator alias
my $c = $a ⋅ $b;                # unicode operator alias

A shortcut for multiplication is the power - operator **
my $c = $a **  3;               # same as $a dot $a dot $a
my $c = $a ** -3;               # same as ($a dot $a dot $a).inverted
my $c = $a **  0;               # created an right sized identity matrix

The tensor product (a.k.a Kronecker product) between a matrix A of size|#size (m,n) and matrix B of size (p,q) is a matrix C of size (mp,nq). C is a concatination of matrices you get if you take every element of A and do a scalar multiplication with B as in $B.multiply($A.element(..,..)).

Example:    1 2  X*  2 3   =  1*[2 3] 2*[2 3]  =  2  3  4  6
            3 4      4 5        [4 5]   [4 5]     4  5  8 10
                              3*[2 3] 4*[2 3]     6  9  8 12
                                [4 5]   [4 5]     8 15 16 20

my $c = $matrixa.tensor-product( $matrixb );
my $c = $a X* $b;               # works too as operator alias
my $c = $a ⊗ $b;                # unicode operator alias

Methods that usually are provided by Lists and Arrays, but make also sense in context of matrices.

Number (count) of elements = rows * columns (see size).

say $matrix.elems();

Asks if all element of Matrix (cell) values are an element of the given set or range.[[1,2],[3,4]]).elem(1..4) :   True[[1,2],[3,4]]).elem(2..5) :   False, 1 is not in 2..5

Asks if the matrix contains a value equal to the only argument of the method. If a range is provided as argument, at least one value has to be within this range to make the result true.[[1,2],[3,4]]).cont(1)   : True[[1,2],[3,4]]).cont(5)   : False[[1,2],[3,4]]).cont(3..7): True

MM [[1,2],[3,4]] (cont) 1                 # True too

Creates a new matrix of same size by iterating over all or some elements. For every chosen element with the indices (m,n), a provided code block (required argument) will be run once. That block will be given the elements(m,n) value as an argument. The return value of the block will be the content of the element(m,n) of the resulting matrix.

say $* + 1) :

2 3
4 5

By provding values (Ranges) to the named arguments rows and columns (no special order required), only a subset of rows or columns will be mapped - the rest will be just copied.

say $ rows => (0..0), {$_ * 2}) :

2 4
3 4

say $ rows => (1..*), columns => (1..1), {$_ ** 2}) :

1  2
3 16

Works just like map with the only difference that the given block can recieve one to three arguments: (row index, column index and cell value).

say $ {$^m == $^n ?? $^value !! 0 } :

1 0
0 4

Like the built in reduce method, it iterates over all elements and joins them into one value, by applying the given operator or method to the previous result and the next element. I starts with the element [0][0] and moving from left to right in the first row and continue with the first element of the next row.[[1,2],[3,4]]).reduce(&[+]): 10 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4[[1,2],[3,4]]).reduce(&[*]): 10 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4

Reduces (as described above) every row into one value, so the overall result will be a list. In this example we calculate the sum of all elements in a row:

say[[1,2],[3,4]]).reduce-rows(&[+]): (3, 7)

Similar to reduce-rows, this method reduces each column to one value in the resulting list:

say[[1,2],[3,4]]).reduce-columns(&[*]): (3, 8)

Methods that reorder rows and columns, delete some or even add new. The accessor submatrix is also useful for that purpose.[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).move-row(0,1);  # move row 0 to 1[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).move-row(0=>1); # same

1 2 3           4 5 6
4 5 6    ==>    1 2 3
7 8 9           7 8 9[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).move-column(2,1);[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).move-column(2=>1); # same

1 2 3           1 3 2
4 5 6    ==>    4 6 5
7 8 9           7 9 8[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).swap-rows(2,0);

1 2 3           7 8 9
4 5 6    ==>    4 5 6
7 8 9           1 2 3[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]).swap-columns(0,2);

1 2 3           3 2 1
4 5 6    ==>    6 5 4
7 8 9           9 8 7

Like the splice for lists: the first two parameter are position and amount (optional) of rows to be deleted. The third and alos optional parameter will be an array of arrays (line .new would accept), that fitting row lengths. These rows will be inserted before the row with the number of first parameter. The third parameter can also be a fitting Math::Matrix.[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(0,0,[[5,6],[7,8]]) ); # aka prepend[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(0,0,                  [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # same result

5 6
7 8 
1 2
3 4[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(1,0,[[5,6],[7,8]]) ); # aka insert[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(1,0,                  [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # same result

1 2
5 6
7 8
3 4[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(1,1,[[5,6],[7,8]]) ); # aka replace[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(1,1,                  [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # same result

1 2
5 6 
7 8[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(2,0,[[5,6],[7,8]]) ); # aka append[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(2,0,                  [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # same result[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-rows(-1,0,                 [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # with negative index

1 2 
3 4     
5 6
7 8

Same as splice-rows, just horizontally.[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-columns(2,0,[[5,6],[7,8]]) ); # aka append[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-columns(2,0,                  [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # same result[[1,2],[3,4]]).splice-columns(-1,0,                 [[5,6],[7,8]]  ); # with negative index

1 2  ~  5 6  =  1 2 5 6
3 4     7 8     3 4 7 8

Summary of all shortcut aliases (first) and their long form (second).

Operators with the methods they refer to. (Most ops are just aliases.) For more explanations of the ops with examples see naext chapter: ops chapter:

The Module overloads or introduces a range of well and lesser known ops, which are almost all aliases.

==, +, * are commutative, -, ⋅, dot, ÷, x, ⊗ and ** are not. All ops have same precedence as its multi method siblings - unless stated otherwise.

They are exported when using no flag (same as :DEFAULT) or :ALL, but not under :MANDATORY or :MM). The only exception is MM operator, a shortcut to create a matrix. That has to be importet explicitly with the tag :MM or :ALL. The postcircumfix [] - op will always work.

my $a   = +$matrix               # Num context, Euclidean norm
my $b   = ?$matrix               # Bool context, True if any element has a none zero value
my $str = ~$matrix               # String context, matrix content, space and new line separated as table
my $l   = |$matrix               # list context, list of all elements, row-wise
my $a   = @ $matrix              # same thing, but as Array
my $h   = % $matrix              # hash context, similar to .kv, so that %$matrix{0}{0} is first element

$matrixa == $matrixb             # check if both have same size and they are element wise equal
$matrixa ~~ $matrixb             # same thing

my $sum =  $matrixa + $matrixb;  # element wise sum of two same sized matrices
my $sum =  $matrix  + $number;   # add number to every element

my $dif =  $matrixa - $matrixb;  # element wise difference of two same sized matrices
my $dif =  $matrix  - $number;   # subtract number from every element
my $neg = -$matrix               # negate value of every element

my $p   =  $matrixa * $matrixb;  # element wise product of two same sized matrices
my $sp  =  $matrix  * $number;   # multiply number to every element

my $dp  =  $a dot $b;            # dot product of two fitting matrices (cols a = rows b)
my $dp  =  $a ⋅ $b;              # dot product, unicode (U+022C5)
my $dp  =  $a ÷ $b;              # alias to $a dot $b.inverted, (U+000F7) 

my $c   =  $a **  3;             # $a to the power of 3, same as $a dot $a dot $a
my $c   =  $a ** -3;             # alias to ($a dot $a dot $a).inverted
my $c   =  $a **  0;             # creats an right sized identity matrix

my $tp  =  $a X* $b;             # tensor product, same precedence as infix: x (category Replication)
my $tp  =  $a ⊗ $b;              # tensor product, unicode (U+02297)

 |$matrix |                     # determinant, unicode (U+0FF5C)
 ‖ $matrix ‖                     # L2 norm (euclidean p=2 to the square), (U+02016)

   $matrix[1][2]                 # 2nd row, 3rd column element - works even under :MANDATORY tag

MM [[1]]                         # a new matrix, has higher precedence than postcircumfix:[]
MM '1'                           # string alias
  • :MANDATORY (nothing is exported)

  • :DEFAULT (same as no tag, most ops will be exported)

  • :MM (only MM op exported)

  • :ALL

  • Pierre VIGIER

  • Herbert Breunung

  • Patrick Spek

Artistic License 2.0 (GPL and BSD at the same time)


Bundle for all matrix math related







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  • Shell 0.6%