A repo fetcher backend made with Phoenix and Tesla.
Install Erlang
, Elixir
and Phoenix
# Create phoenix app without webpacker or html views
$ mix phx.new app_name --no-webpack --no-html
# Intall dependencies
$ mix deps.get
# Compile project
$ mix compile
# Generate linter config file
$ mix credo.gen.config
# Run linter
$ mix credo --strict
# Start Phoenix dev server on http://localhost:4000
$ mix phx.server
# Start your project as an Interactive Elixir session
$ iex -S mix
# List all configured routes
$ mix phx.routes
# Run tests
$ mix test
# Run tests w/ coverage report
$ mix test --cover
Github client:
> Github.Client.get_user_repos("teamon")
> Github.Client.get_user_repos("danilo-vieira")
> Github.Client.get_user_repos("librity")