Git Workshop Activity - Prepping you for carpentries checkout
- Open your terminal and clone the repository to your local machine. You can clone the project by running this command.
git clone
Navigate inside the git project folder using
cd git workshop
In the terminal, create a new branch by running this command
git checkout -b (your_firstname_lastname)
Open generate your own haiku poem by clicking New Haiku.
Copy the haiku text and place it in a text editor like notepad++ or sublime text.
Save the file as a .txt file type.
Using the terminal, type
git status
and you will see some highlighted text which notify you of changes made to the project.
You will see the name of the file you created listed.
Add your files to the project and push it to the remote project.
git add *file_name* git commit -m "Adding my haiku poem" git push
Navigate to the project page on the Github UI and create a pull request.
I will review your pull request and merge it!
You're done! Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉