is a parameter validation package, can be use in struct/non-struct validation, including cross field validation in struct, elements validation in Slice/Array/Map, and provides customized validation rule.
Go 1.13 or above.
go get -u
When use Add
to add rule,fieldExpr
has three situations:
is empty,validate the value directly.fieldExpr
is single field,fetch value in struct, then validate.fieldExpr
is string separated by.
, fetch value in struct according hierarchy of struct, then validate.
When fetching value by fieldExpr
, if the field is pointer, it will fetch the underlying value of pointer
to validate; if the field is nil pointer, it failed validation rule.
For special use of validating nil pointer, Nil
rule can be used.
example from checker_test.go
// Item.Email is the format of email address
type Item struct {
Info typeInfo
Email string
type typeStr string
// Item.Info.Type = "range",typeInfo.Type 's length is 2,elements with format of "2006-01-02"
// Item.Info.Type = "last",typeInfo.Type 'is length is 1,elements is positive integer,Granularity is one of day/week/month
type typeInfo struct {
Type typeStr
Range []string
Unit string
Granularity string
// rules are as follow
rule := And(
EqStr("Type", "range"),
Length("Range", 2, 2),
Array("Range", isDatetime("", "2006-01-02")),
EqStr("Type", "last"),
InStr("Granularity", "day", "week", "month"),
itemChecker := NewChecker()
// validate parameter
itemChecker.Add(rule, "wrong item")
variable in above code constructs a rule tree.
To Note that, different rule tree can produce same validation rule, above rule
can be rewritten as
rule := And(
EqStr("Info.Type", "range"),
Length("Info.Range", 2, 2),
Array("Info.Range", Time("", "2006-01-02")),
EqStr("Info.Type", "last"),
InStr("Info.Granularity", "day", "week", "month"),
Although rule trees are different, fieldExpr
of leaf nodes in trees are same, which can be used as cache,
and the validation logic is same.
is an interface, it has many implementations. Its implementations can be categorized into
two kinds: composite rule and singleton rule.
Composite Rule contains other rules.
Name | Usage |
Field(fieldExpr string, rule Rule) Rule |
Applies rule to validate fieldExpr |
And(rules ...Rule) Rule |
It needs all rules pass |
Or(rules ...Rule) Rule |
It needs any rule passed |
Not(innerRule Rule) Rule |
opposite the rule |
Array(fieldExpr string, innerRule Rule) Rule |
Applies rule to elements in array |
Map(fieldExpr string, keyRule Rule, valueRule Rule) Rule |
Applies keyRule and valueRule to key and value in map |
Singleton Rule can be categorized into comparison rule, enum rule and format rule.
Comparison Rule can be categorized into single field comparison rule and multi-field comparison rule
single field comparison rule includes:
Name |
EqInt(filedExpr string, equivalent int) Rule |
NeInt(filedExpr string, inequivalent int) Rule |
RangeInt(filedExpr string, ge int, le int) Rule |
It also has the implementation of uint
, string
, Comparable
multi-field comparison rule includes
Name |
CrossComparable(fieldExprLeft string, fieldExprRight string, op operand) Rule |
is to located the field involving comparsion, op
is the operand.
supports int
Enum Rule includes
Name |
InStr(filedExpr string, enum ...string) Rule |
InInt(filedExpr string, enum Rule |
InUint(filedExpr string, enum ...uint) Rule |
InFloat(filedExpr string, enum ...float64) Rule |
Format Rule includes
Name |
Email(fieldExpr string) Rule |
Number(fieldExpr string) Rule |
URL(fieldExpr string) Rule |
Ip(fieldExpr string) Rule |
In addition to above rules, user can pass validation function to Custome
to achieve purpose of
implementing customized rule, refer to example
is an interface
Add(rule Rule, prompt string)
. Add rule and error prompt of failing the rule.Check(param interface{}) (bool, string, string)
. Validate a parameter. It returns if it passes the rule, error prompt and error message to tell which field doesn't pass which rule.
When defining rules, it can define the error prompt when rule failed.example
rule := checker.And(
checker.Email("Email").Prompt("Wrong email format") // [1],
checker.EqStr("Info.Type", "range"),
checker.Length("Info.Range", 2, 2).Prompt("Range's length should be 2") // [2],
checker.Array("Info.Range", checker.Time("", "2006-01-02")).
Prompt("Range's element should be time format") // [3],
validator := checker.NewChecker()
validator.Add(rule, "wrong parameter") // [4]
isValid, prompt, errMsg := validator.Check(item)
When rule fails, checker tries to return the rule's prompt([1]/[2]/[3] in code). If rule doesn't have its prompt, checker returns the prompt when adding the rule([4] in code).
is error log, is used to locate the filed that fails, refer it to example
From above graphic representation of rule tree, it can be found that when leaf node with same field expression, its value can be cached to reduce the cost of reflection.