A React powered, Dev.to article social feed that allows you to save articles for later viewing. Live site can be found here: https://lhebia.github.io/devcompile/
- Uses React, and no jQuery
- Uses modular components
- Uses axios and/or Firebase
- React 'knows' about all DOM changes (bind your inputs!)
is never directly changed because .setState() is always used to alter state- App is dynamic based on user interaction (e.g. drop-down menu, search field)
- It is clear to the user what the app does
- App and interactions are accessible
- Errors are handled effectively
- Site is live on student's own URL or GitHub Pages
- Extraneous code is removed (including console.log)
- Semantic HTML elements are used properly
- All CSS for the site is written in only one CSS file (no inline styles, no separate CSS files for each component, etc). How you get there is up to you.
- Setup snippet is used
- Wrapper used to constrain content on large displays
- Site is responsive and uses media queries
- Files and folders share a naming convention.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.