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Expression handling and automatic differentiation library

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Kandinsky - The expressionist

This library allows to handle and differentiate expressions.

To use this library one needs to include "Kandinsky/Kandinsky.hpp".

All types are defined within the namespace Kandinsky.

The two main types meant to be used are Variable and Expression.

Variables hava a name (used to print expressions), a value (used to evaluate expressions) and an index (used to represent their index when assembling a system of equations). All of these are accessible via getters/setters.

Expressions can be evaluated by calling the double evaluate() method and differentiated (w.r.t. a certain variable) by calling Expression differentiate(const Variable&).

A map of all derivatives for an expression can be obtained with the method std::map<Variable, Expression> derivatives().


#include <Kandinsky/Kandinsky.hpp>

#include <iostream>

int main(int, char**)
    using Kandinsky::Variable;
    using Kandinsky::Expression;

    // Variable declarations (the argument is optional and provides a name for
    // printing purposes)
    Variable x("x");
    Variable y("y");
    Variable z("z");
    // Function definition
    Expression f = x * x + Kandinsky::sqrt(y) * x;

    std::cout << "f(x,y) = " << f.toString() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "f(3,4) = " << f.evaluate() << std::endl;
    Expression dfx = f.differentiate(x);
    std::cout << "df/dx (3, 4) = " << dfx.evaluate() << std::endl;

    // Derivatives w.r.t. all variables that appear in the expression
    for (const std::pair<Variable, Expression>& derivative : f.derivatives())
        std::cout << "df/d" << derivative.first.getName() << " = "
                << derivative.second.toString() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "df/d" << derivative.first.getName() << " (3,4) = "
                << derivative.second.evaluate() << std::endl;

    return 0;

The output produced by the previous code is:

f(x,y) = ((x * x) + (sqrt(y) * x))
f(3,4) = 15
df/dx (3, 4) = 8
df/dx = (((1 * x) + (x * 1)) + ((((0.5 / sqrt(y)) * 0) * x) + (sqrt(y) * 1)))
df/dx (3,4) = 8
df/dy = (((0 * x) + (x * 0)) + ((((0.5 / sqrt(y)) * 1) * x) + (sqrt(y) * 0)))
df/dy (3,4) = 0.75

Supported operators

  • Basic mathematical operations (+, -, *, /) are implemented by operator overloading
  • The following functions can be found within the namespace Kandinsky:
    cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, erf, atan, pow, sqrt, exp, log, abs, sign
  • Comparison operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) are also overloaded for Expressions (they return an Expression, not a bool; once this Expression is evaluated it returns either 0 or 1)
  • The ternary conditional operator ? : is provided by the function ifThenElse (because c++ doesn't allow overloading of the ternary operator ? :)

The following example showcases conditional expressions:

Variable x("x");
Expression f = ifThenElse(x > 0, x * x, 3);
std::cout << "f(2) = " << f.evaluate() << std::endl; // f(2) = 4
std::cout << "f(-2) = " << f.evaluate() << std::endl; // f(-2) = 3


Kandinsky can be installed like any other CMake library:

mkdir /some/build/dir
cd /some/build/dir
cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/install/dir /kandinsy/source/dir
make install

Be sure to substitute /some/build/dir and /some/install/dir with suitable directories, and to replace /kandinsy/source/dir with the directory containing this README.

Doxygen documentation can be built by running make doc.


Expression handling and automatic differentiation library






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