Scroll to any object in your Shiny apps
scroller allows to scroll to any element on the page in Shiny thanks to Arbitrary anchor JS.
Install the package from Github.
# install.packages("remotes")
In order to use scroller, you must first call use_scroller()
in the
apps’ UI.
Then you can add a CSS selector after the hash (#) and it will automatically be scrolled to. If the selector returns more than 1 element, the first element found will be scrolled to. More information here.
ui = fluidPage(
align = "center",
scroller::use_scroller(animationLength = 2000), # add use_scroller() in the UI
h1("Shiny with scroller"),
shiny::actionButton(inputId = NULL, label = "Scroll to plot", class = "btn-success") %>%
shiny::a() %>%
shiny::tagAppendAttributes(href = "##plot"), # add scroller id CSS
shiny::actionButton(inputId = NULL, label = "No scroll to plot", class = "btn-primary") %>%
shiny::a() %>%
shiny::tagAppendAttributes(href = "#plot"), # add id CSS
HTML(rep("<br/><br/><br/>↓<br/>", 20)),
shiny::actionButton(inputId = NULL, label = "Scroll to top", class = "btn-success") %>%
shiny::a() %>%
shiny::tagAppendAttributes(href = "#.btn") # add scroller class reference
server = function(input, output, session){
output$plot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(starwars, aes(mass, height)) +
geom_point(aes(color = gender)) +
geom_label_repel(aes(label = name), size = 3) +
labs(title = "Star Wars Characters Body Mass Index")
You can change the animation lenght, the easing function (see jquery-easing for all options availables) and the scroll off set.
animationLength = 1500,
easingFunction = "easeOutCirc",
scrollOffset = 30