Merge two or more objects together. A vanilla JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's .extend()
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Include the code in your script, or load it as an external file.
var extend = function () {
Pass in two or more objects to extend. For a deep or recursive merge, set the first argument to true
// Example objects
var object1 = {
apple: 0,
banana: { weight: 52, price: 100 },
cherry: 97
var object2 = {
banana: { price: 200 },
durian: 100
var object3 = {
apple: 'yum',
pie: 3.214,
applePie: true
// Create a new object by combining two or more objects
var newObjectShallow = extend( object1, object2, object3 );
var newObjectDeep = extend( true, object1, object2, object3 );
extend works in all modern browsers, and IE 6 and above.
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