A fullstack, modern, crazy fast development platform for TypeScript, React, GraphQL, MongoDB
This platform will make it easy to develop, deploy, test full stack apps.
- INSANELY FAST dev env on both client and server thanks to Snowpack & ESBuild
- Seriously the ui reload times are 50ms and the full server production builds are >1sec 🙀
- No lock in - ui and api folders can be used independantly of Avalanche.
- Use as a starterkit or a framework
- Easy deployment via GH ACtions & https://render.com
- Built in CI/CD via GH Actions
- Generate all your GraphQl React Hooks
- Super cute CLI with interactive menus instead of having to memorize flags.
Tests are written as .test.tsx or .test.ts
Mockmang is a uility for quickly generating fake data for mocks in graphql components
Wrtie all of your graphql queries, mutations and schemas in .graphql files.
Run avalanche and select Codegen or Codegen Watch
node avalanche
Select codegen. This creates all of your React Hooks as well as TS types.
We have run our setup on https://render.com and can provide detailed instructions on how to get up and running.