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#TOPHE - Typed Object Processing HTTP Engine

An Android library to make HTTP calls with parameters easier.

There is a module to support OAuth1 signatures using oauth-signpost and a module to use Ion as the HTTP engine (by default it uses java's HttpUrlConnection).


  • Strongly typed output data
    • support Gson parsing out of the box
    • possibility to chain parsing to get the final type
    • ServerException is an exception thrown when the server returns an error, it can be customized to parse the server data further (than a JSON object or InputStream)
    • always needs a parser, default ones are provided
  • Builder based queries to minimize code size
  • Multipart POST of File and InputStream
  • URL-encoded JSON data
  • URL-encoded String data
  • easy addition of parameters to GET queries
  • lightweight on memory
  • single TopheException thrown from the TopheClient, with subclasses for finer exception handling
  • support for timeouts per queries
  • custom logging per HTTP query
  • support for high-level cookie handling
  • set the user language for all HTTP queries
  • Security
    • disables SSLv3 by default
    • uses Google's conscrypt SSL stack from the Play Services when available


Each query is based on a BaseHttpRequest and is created through BaseHttpRequest.Builder. HttpRequestGet and HttpRequestPost a simplified versions that can be constructed without a Builder.

Each query requires 2 types of parser:

  • the Content Parser that will turn a HttpResponse into your output/parsed object.
  • the Error Parser that will turn aHttpResponse into the parsed data of a ServerException

You can combine these 2 parsers into a ResponseHandler. The parsers should be thread-safe/reentrant.

A parser is a XferTransform that takes an HttpResponse object coming from the HTTP engine and turn it into a parsed object like a String, a JSONObject, an HttpStream (a continuous/live stream) or more elaborate types parsed with Gson. You can chain transforms to get the desired output type using XferTransformChain.

By convention the transforms that transform the HttpResponse body (be it a regular response or error data) are called Body transforms. There are a lot of predefined transforms in the library:

  • BodyViaGson: parse the data using a gson object.
  • BodyToJSONObject
  • BodyToJSONArray
  • BodyToHttpStream: an HttpStream is a "live/continuous" representation of the HTTP response body.
  • BodyToServerException: the basic body parser to handle server error data.
  • BodyToString
  • BodyToVoid

#Sample Code

##Synchronous client

Upload a file using multipart encoding and get the response as a String.

TopheClient.setup(context); // done once in your application

HttpBodyMultiPart multipart = new HttpBodyMultiPart();
multipart.addFile("file", myImageFile, "image/png");
multipart.add("text", "#selfie");

HttpRequest post = new BaseHttpRequest.Builder()

try {
   String response = TopheClient.getStringResponse(post);
} catch (TopheException e) {

###Gson ResponseHandler

Using Gson to parse the response. There is also a BodyViaGson.asList() method to easily get a List of the specified object type.

BaseResponseHandler<ApiObject> responseHandler = new BaseResponseHandler<ApiObject>(
        new BodyViaGson<ApiObject>(ApiObject.class)

TypedHttpRequest<ApiObject, ServerException> apiGet = new BaseHttpRequest.Builder<ApiObject, ServerException>()

try {
    ApiObject parsed = TopheClient.parseRequest(apiGet);
} catch (ServerException e) {
} catch (HttpException e) {

##Asynchronous client

Your AsyncCallback is run in the UI thread after the query has finished processing the response body. There are helper API to simply query a String. You can also use the TopheClient's ResponseHandler interface to process the data the way you want in the network thread.

By default the network tasks run in a pool of 3 * NumberOfProcessor but you can change the default Executor or set a different one per query.

Internally the asynchronous client turns a BaseHttpRequest into an AsyncTask. You can build your own async task using AsyncTask.Builder.

TypedHttpRequest<Spanned, ServerException> getHtml= new BaseHttpRequest.Builder<Spanned, ServerException>()
                .addDataTransform(new Transformer<String, Spanned>() {
                    protected Spanned transform(String s) {
                        return Html.fromHtml(s);

AsyncTopheClient.postRequest(getHtml, new BaseAsyncCallback<Spanned>() {
    public void onAsyncResult(Spanned result) {
        // your parsed HTML result here

###Cancel a download

HttpRequestGet<String> request = new HttpRequestGet<String>("", null, BodyToString.INSTANCE);
Future<String> downloadTask = AsyncTopheClient.postRequest(request, new BaseAsyncCallback<String>() {
    public void onAsyncResult(String result) {
        // the HTML data as a String

// cancel the download we just started/queued

###Simple JSONObject reader

// Do the JSON API query in the background and get the result in the UI thread
TypedHttpRequest<JSONObject, ServerException> request = new HttpRequestGet<JSONObject>("", null, BodyToJSONObject.INSTANCE);
AsyncTopheClient.postRequest(request, new BaseAsyncCallback<JSONObject>() {
    public void onAsyncResult(JSONObject response) {
        // the object parsed from JSON data, called in the UI thread

##OAuth signature

The TopheClient also provides a simple API for signing HTTP requests. A RequestSigner for OAuth2 is provided by default. There is also a module for OAuth1 signature using oauth-signpost.

OAuthUser facebookUser = new OAuthUser() {
    public String getToken() {
        return "user-token";

    public String getTokenSecret() {
        return "user-token-secret";
RequestSigner facebookUserSigner = new RequestSignerOAuth2(facebookUser);

TypedHttpRequest<JSONObject, ServerException> signedFacebook = new BaseHttpRequest.Builder<JSONObject, ServerException>()

try {
    JSONObject facebookProfileData = TopheClient.parseRequest(signedFacebook);
} catch (ServerException e) {
} catch (HttpException e) {


Download the latest JAR or grab via Maven Maven Central


or Gradle:

compile 'co.tophe:tophe:1.0.0'
compile 'co.tophe:tophe-oauth1:1.0.0'
compile 'co.tophe:tophe-ion:1.0.0'


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.