Original Author: Daniel Reznick - vedmack@gmail.com
Updated Author: Let's Go - contato@letscomunica.com.br
Install in you angular project:
$ npm install @letsfullstack/angular-colorpicker-component
- added quantity color options to be displayed.
The color picker for AngularJS - Native / Simple / Cool. No other dependencies are needed at all.
- Can extend simple input
- Can replace a div (or any other container) with an inline color picker
- Can replace any HTML element with a cool tiny trigger
- Can color the extended input
<input color-picker ng-model="colorValueInput">
<div color-picker ng-model="colorValueInline"></div>
<input color-picker tiny-trigger="true" ng-model="colorValueTinyTrigger">
<input color-picker color-me="true" ng-model="colorValueInputColor">
angular.module('colorPickerApp', ['colorpicker-dr'])
.controller('ColorPickerCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
- tiny-trigger="true": replace any HTML element with a cool tiny trigger
- color-me="true": color the extended input on color selection
Copyright (c) 2015 Daniel Reznick, released under the MIT license