gRPC transport on top of timostamm/protobuf-ts
that helps you to cache, deduplicate, and abort the request.
Currently only unary call is supported.
import { GrpcWebFetchTransport } from '@protobuf-ts/grpcweb-transport'
import { Cacher, Hitchhiker } from 'grpc-concierge'
import { IEchoClient } from './pb/echo.client'
const transport = new GrpcWebFetchTransport({
baseUrl: '',
interceptors: [
new Cacher<IEchoClient>(({ byKey })=>({
// Cached value will be returned if `msg.value` is same.
hello: byKey(msg => msg.value)
new Hitchhiker<IEchoClient>(({ byKey }) => ({
// Request that has the same `msg.value` are processed as a single request.
hello: byKey(msg => msg.value)
- Re-rendering the component when the dependent RPC succeeds.
- Abort RPCs used when the component unmounted.
import { createServiceContext } from 'grpc-concierge/react'
import { EchoClient } from './pb/echo.client'
const [ctx, useService] = createServiceContext({
echo: EchoClient
}, {
// `echo.hello` depends on `echo.hola`.
echo: {
hello: {
echo: ['hola']
// This component rerendered whenever `svc.echo.hola` succeeds.
function EchoComponent(){
const svc = useService()
return <>...</>
You can see more examples at test.
- caches the responses.core/Hitchhiker
- deduplicates the requests.react/createServiceContext
- manages client life cycle.