DataEncrypter is an easy to use tool for encryption and decryption. It is build to be lightweight and not memory intensive. It currently has a custom implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard, but is open to be used with different algorithms as well, if they implement the ICypher interface.
Download the latest release of DataEncrypter and save it. For file removal this program uses SDelete (Download: to securely delete unwanted files. Please drop the sdelet.exe into the same directory as the DataEncrypter.exe. Thats it you can now encrypt and decrypt files.
File encryption by using the SecureFile class is very simple to handle. Files are saved as .secf (SECureFile) and provide a encrypted header with previous filename and extension, to restore the file completely after decryption.
Basic usage of SecureFile:
var secureFile = new SecureFile(path, key);
//Handles Memory and feeds the algorithms the correct data
secureFile.Save(newPath); //saves the file