A helper library to traverse the spanning tree of the HTML imports graph.
The linking structure of import link lists forms a directed graph. Each node of the graph is a document and its edge is a link. Branches are intended to form a spanning tree of the graph. This tree gives the deterministic order of the script execution.
npm install [--save-dev] html-imports-visitor
import { VisitorHelper, predicates } from "html-imports-visitor"
const visitor = {
* Function hook called when a `<link rel="import">` is found
* @param {Object} link the `<link rel="import">` element
* @param {string} detail.path absolute file path of `<link rel="import">`'s parent element
* @param {string} detail.location absolute file path of the linked resource
import(link, { path, location }) {
// your code
* Function hook called when entering a branch of the tree
* @param {Object} element the entered document
* @param {string} detail.path absolute file path of document
enter(document, { path }) {
// your code
* Function hook called when a `<script>` is found
* @param {Object} element the found `<script>` element
* @param {string} detail.path absolute file path of `<script>`'s parent element
* @param {number} detail.index zero-based index of the visited element relative to its parent
visit(element, { path, index }) {
// your code
const helper = new VisitorHelper(visitor, predicates.hasTagName("script"))
You can find the minimum configuration needed to run the library in demo/demo.js and you can try it running:
node demo/demo.js
uses parse5, documentation about parsed elements can be found here
Also note that remote or non-existing files will be not entered.
Bundle scripts with rollup.js
Take a look at rollup-plugin-html-entry for a real world usage example.