LSQ is a framework for RDFizing arbitrary SPARQL query logs with support for several types of analysis. This project page describes the framework; information about the Linked Dataset, a SPARQL endpoint, and complete dumps are all available on the LSQ homepage along with pointers a VoID description, example LSQ queries, and various other dataset assets.
LSQ's architecture is based on a classic batch processing one.
- An item reader reads each entry of the input log file, normalizes the data by converting it to an RDF representation (based on the log format)
- An item processor performs the analysis steps according to the provided configuration.
- An output writer serializes each target resource to a file or STDOUT.
- Structural features: This comprises metrics directly from a SPARQL query, such as the number of triple patterns, BGPs, projection variables.
- Executions analysis measures aspects of a query and its parts, such as BGPs and TPs, in regard to a dataset hosted in an RDF store. These aspects are:
- Performance analysis
- Result set sizes and selectivity
Executions can be marked as local and remote: a remote execution of a query takes place at the SPARQL endpoint whose log file contained the query, whereas a local execution take place on a 'local' instance of that RDF store setup.
Default log formats are configured in the default-log-formats.ttl file, which contains entries such as:
a lsq:WebAccessLogFormat ;
lsq:pattern "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"" ;
At present, LSQ performs lookup of patterns by their local name, such as combined in this example.
The pattern definitions follow the specification of Apache's mod_log_config. Custom log formats can thus be easily added by simply extending the underlying RDF model.
- The timestamp pattern
only matches timestamps that are enclosed in[brackets]
%{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}C
can be used to parse timestamps from e.g. tab-separated files, such as<TAB>2017-06-12 00:00:00<TAB>
. Note, that %C is so far not otherwise defined in the apache mod_log formats.
The LSQ tool can also RDFize queries from RDF datasets
TODO Finish this section
curl -GLH 'Accept: text/plain' --data-urlencode query='PREFIX lsq: <> CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s lsq:text ?o } LIMIT 10' | lsq -m rdf ...
cat unsorted-files/sparqlqc-all.nt | lsq -e http://localhost:8890/sparql -m rdf -l sparqlqc -p http://localhost/sparqlqc/sparql -r q > unsorted-files/sparqlqc-all-lsq.ttl
: Do not reuse the subject of the input triple for the output; i.e. given an input triple, the output will not be attached to
, rather a new resource will be allocated.-m rdf
: rdf is a currently hard-coded pseudo-log format (i.e. not configurable via the default log formats mentioned above).
Build the whole project with
mvn clean install
Build the command line client with
cd lsq-cli
mvn assembly:assembly
A self-contained jar is then located under lsq-cli/target/lsq-cli-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar You can run it with
java -cp `find . -name 'lsq*jar-with-dependencies.jar'` org.aksw.simba.lsq.cli.main.MainLSQ
alias lsq='java -cp `find "/path/to/lsq-cli/target/" -name "lsq*jar-with-dependencies.jar"` org.aksw.simba.lsq.cli.main.MainLSQ'
This happends when you build the project (under lsq-debian-cli/target) You can conveniently install it with
sudo dpkg -i `find . -name '*.deb'`
The following options exist:
Non-option arguments:
[String] -- File(s) containing input data
Option Description
------ -----------
-a, --agent <String> Http user agent field (default: Linked Sparql
Queries (LSQ) client. User agent not set.)
-b, --base <String> Base URI for URI generation (default: http://lsq.
-d, --dsize <Long> Dataset size. Used in some computations. If not
given, it will be queried (which might fail).
Negative values disable dependent computations.
-e, --endpoint <String> Local SPARQL service (endpoint) URL on which to
execute queries (default: http://localhost:
--fed <String> URIs of federated endpoints
--fedf <File> URIs of federated endpoints
-g, --graph <String> Local graph(s) from which to retrieve the data
-h, --head <Long> Only process n entries starting from the top
-i, --logirisasbase Use IRIs in RDF query logs as the base IRIs
-l, --label <String> Label of the dataset, such as 'dbpedia' or 'lgd'.
Will be used in URI generation (default: mydata)
-m, --format [String] Format of the input data. Available options:
[commonVHost, virtuoso, common, rdf,
distributed, commonVirtuoso, combined, sparql,
wikidata, sparql2, bio2rdf] (default: combined)
-o, --output <File> File where to store the output data.
-p, --public <String> Public endpoint URL for record purposes - e.g.
-q, --querypattern [String] Pattern to parse out query ids; use empty string
to use whole IRI (default: q-([^->]+))
-r, --rdfizer [String] RDFizer selection: Any combination of the letters
(e)xecution, (l)og, (q)uery and (p)rocess
metadata (default: elq)
-t, --timeout <Long> Timeout in milliseconds
-w, --outformat <String> Format for (w)riting out data. Available options:
[JSON-LD/expand pretty, JSON-LD/frame flat,
RDF/JSON, TriG/pretty, JSON-LD/flatten flat, N-
Quads/ascii, RDF/XML/pretty, JSON-LD/expand
flat, RDF-THRIFT/Value, Turtle/blocks, N-
Triples/ascii, rdf/null, TriX, Turtle/flat, JSON-
LD/compact flat, JSON-LD/flatten pretty, RDF-
THRIFT, N-Quads/utf-8, JSON-LD/compact pretty,
TriG/flat, JSON-LD/frame pretty, RDF/XML/plain,
N-Triples/utf-8, Turtle/pretty, TriG/blocks]
(default: Turtle/blocks)
-x, --experiment <String> URI of the experiment environment
-y, --delay <Long> Delay in milliseconds (default: 0)
From the repository root folder, run:
lsq \
lsq-core/src/test/resources/swdf.apache.log \
-e http://localhost:8890/sparql \
-g \
-l swdf \
-b \
-p \
-h 10 \
-r qel \
-t 60000 \
-o outfile.ttl
lsq \
lsq-core/src/test/resources/dbpedia.virtuoso.log \
-m virtuoso \
-e http://localhost:8890/sparql \
-g \
-l swdf \
-b \
-p \
-h 10 \
-t 60000 \
-r qel | rapper -i turtle -o ntriples - http://foo | sort -u > a.ttl