- Change the
with your discord bot token in.env
module.exports = {
app: {
px: '+', // prefix of your bot
playing: 'with your heart ❤️', // rich presence activity
BOTNAME: 'Sherry', // your bot name
AVATARURL: 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869602929957552159/869603777957740594/sherry-4.gif',
INVITELINK: 'https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=850032609543454720&permissions=37088600&scope=bot',
OWNER: 'Music comes first - Made with heart by Sherry ❤️'
emojis: {
enabledemoji: "◆",
disabledemoji: "◇",
musicemoji: "🎶",
erroremoji: "❗",
successemoji: "☑"
opt: {
DJ: {
enabled: false,
roleName: 'DJ',
commands: ['back', 'clear', 'filter', 'loop', 'pause', 'resume', 'seek', 'shuffle', 'skip', 'stop', 'volume']
maxVol: 150,
discordPlayer: {
leaveOnEnd: false,
leaveOnStop: false,
leaveOnEmpty: false,
leaveOnEmptyCooldown: 600000,
autoSelfDeaf: true,
ytdlOptions: {
highWaterMark: 24,
filter: 'audioonly',
bitrate: 320,
quality: 'highestaudio',
// format: "audioonly",
liveBuffer: 60000,
dlChunkSize: 1024 * 1024 * 64,
// initialVolume: 100,
// bufferingTimeout: 30000
- Play
- Stop
- Pause
- Resume
- Join
- Disconnect
- Jump
- Back
- Clear
- Filter
- Loop
- Move
- Nowplaying
- Queue
- Remove
- Save
- Seek
- Shuffle
- Skip
- Volume
- Lyrics
- Filterlist
- Help
- Invite
- Ping
- Announcement
- Delete
FFmpeg to process audio, Node JS at least v16 and Code editor of course ^_^