School project based on
N2PAC is a Python-based academic project proposed by Matthias De Lozzo and Thierry Druot in the frame of the course "Design of experiments and metamodels" from the ModIA program.
It aims to design a liquid hydrogen powered aircraft from the libraries
MARILib for aircraft modeling,
scikit-learn for surrogate modeling,
OpenTURNS for uncertainty quantification
and GEMSEO for process orchestration and optimization.
After compilation, N2PAC turns into an HTML website starting with the presentation of the project and use case. Appendices contain a quickstart section to learn the basics of the Python libraries codes used in this project and an introduction to the reST syntax used to create the HTML pages.
The participants must solve this project by writing two types of deliverables: a series of Python scripts and a code-free report. These deliverables will appear in the HTML website as properly formatted pages.
For more information, please install the project.
Use one of these procedures by naming the environment n2pac:
- Linux or MacOS,
- Windows or Python 2.7, with the full features ([all] at the end of the pip or conda installation line).
Then, install the Sphinx dependencies to compile the reST project:
conda activate n2pac
conda install -c anaconda sphinx
conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-gallery
pip install furo [--user]
Go to line 23 in project/
author = Author1, Author2 and Author3'
cd project
make html
Open the webpage project/build/html/index.html.
The N2PAC adventure starts here!