Post pictures of cute animals from Docker's pull requests to twitter.
Collection of cuties from Docker pull requests on Twitter
To use this project you need credentials for accessing:
- Github
- Twitter
Add a file called TOKENS
to your project. The format of this file should be:
twitterConsumerKey = <Twitter consumer key>
twitterConsumerSecret = <Twitter consumer secret>
twitterAccessToken = <Twitter access token>
twitterAccessSecret = <Twitter access token secret>
githubPersonalAccessToken = <Github personal access token>
Create image from Dockerfile with tag cuteimage
$ docker build -t cuteimage
To check already running containers on the system use command:
$ docker ps
If there is previously ran container cuteiner
, remove it:
$ docker rm -f cuteiner
Create and start a container in background (-d
) from image cuteimage
Bind mount volume TOKENS
, assign the name cuteiner
to the container.
To change log level use parameter app --loglevel
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/TOKENS:/go/src/app/TOKENS -d --name=cuteiner cuteimage --loglevel=info
Now you should see your cuteiner
listed in the output for the docker ps
c111efc69db3 cuteimage "app --loglevel=info" 14 seconds ago Up 14 seconds cuteiner
To fetch the logs of the container:
$ docker logs -f cuteiner
- Traverse all pull requests in Docker repository on Github and look for links in pull request body. The pull requests can be retrieved page by page.
- After the link is found try to get an image from URL.
- Check if the image is the screenshot. Don't post the screenshot and skip it.
- If the image is a picture, check the size of it because there is a twitter limit for media upload. Resize an image if needed.
- Encode image to string.
- Before posting new tweet we need to check the number of last posted pull request. Check most recent twitter timeline and find the largest number of posted pull request.
- If there is no link in pull request just skip it. Otherwise, post it to twitter.
- Update twitter every 60 seconds for new cuties.
- There is a notification about screenshots and errors. There will be the direct message to twitter about it.