req : numpy, twitchstream, //just main open cv ie cv2 Pillow, PIL cudatoolkit but need conda (maybe not) for that so idk. install that and update the path in CellularAutomaton
git push -u origin main
cudatoolkit : C:\Users\lele3\AppData\Local\Temp\CUDA
do not use the video generator unless you wanna fill your hard drive, export the images and process them in a dedicated software (ex : da vinci)
main is not main. run cellular automata after changing the parameters might crash if there is no temp and Save folder (assuming you didn't change those paths in the config)
I would not advice changing _THREADSPERBLOCK and _BLOCKSPERGRID unless you know what you're doing (and if ou don't, keep the multiples of 2 i guess? not too high as well; ressources :
pbs : Y IT FLIP WTF // fixed. idiot put - instead of + borders fcky? why?