My serverless resume website with a view counter using AWS. Built to partake in Forrest Brazeal's Cloud Resume Challenge.
The full details on my solution can be found on my Blog
Live website here
Setup Instructions:
To use IAC to provision infrastructure for the Lambda function and the dynamoDB table was achieved with Terraform using the Terraform documentation, to initialize terraform, Navigate to the directory containing your terraform files and run the terraform init command. This initializes the repository and installs the needed plugins. Then run terraform plan which shows you the execution plan and what services to be added to AWS. Run terraform apply to execute the plan.
Services Used:
- S3
- AWS CloudFront
- Certificate Manager
- AWS Lambda
- Dynamo DB
- GitHub Actions
- Terraform
- Route 53
This project makes use of github actions workflow to automatically provision all the resources for the website on AWS on a code change to the default branch on this repo.