Celestial Call intersperses the 23 Cosmic Call "interstellar radio message" images with 23 images of the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck images. The Cosmic Call is a complete set from the Dumas-Dutil Message by way of Wikipedia, and the Tarot images comprise the 22 "Major Arcana" plus Ace of Wands, a single representative card from the 52-card, four-suited deck that form the "Minor Arcana."
Please enjoy views of our scientific attempts to contact extraterrestrial beings alternating with our spiritual ones. Each of these 46 images presents an archetype: the magician, the Pythagorean theorem, or different views of the human body.
- Display board WFT0213CZ16-LW, 3C (yellow) display [binary mode]
- Waveshare e-Paper ESP8266 Driver Board
- Used WiFi example from https://github.com/ZinggJM/GxEPD2 and removed un-needed parts.
- Images served externally
- Display is only 104x212 so can't display 127x127 well
- Tarot images resized to x204
- Scanned by Wikipedia volunteers (see their copyright,
- Cosmic Call Images from https://pic.blog.plover.com/aliens/dd/dd.zip
- convert ${file}.pbm -monochrome -colors 2 ${file}.bm
- 127x127 pixels native size
- Tarot images from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rider-Waite_tarot_deck
- Processed from original form to 1-bit BMP files with ImageMagick, netpbm, and fmwconcepts.com in bash scripts.
- Use WiFi example from https://github.com/ZinggJM/GxEPD2
- lots of flickering up/down between images; 3c ones do this, they say.
- used 1b bitmap and turned color flag off and it still does it.
- missing top border for some reason
- Seems not to be a way to tell if the display is done and delay() count seems uncalibrated.