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(RPi) Wait For Network at Boot

Amruth Pabba edited this page Dec 24, 2016 · 1 revision

Hey, welcome to the Wait for Boot tutorial page!

This page has instructions on how to setup 'Wait for Network' during the boot process on your Raspberry Pi!

Ensure your Raspberry Pi is fully updated.

The first command you want to run is: sudo raspi-config

This command starts the Raspi-config software

Next, you want to scroll down to 3 Boot Options and click enter.

This allows us to enter the boot options.

Next, you want to scroll down to B2 Wait for Network at Boot and click enter.

This allows us to change the 'Wait for Network' preference.

Now, you want to select 'YES'

This tells the Raspberry Pi to start wait for a network during the booting process

Save and exit the raspi-config file by selecting 'OK' and then 'Finish'. Then, reboot your Pi and your Pi should wait for a network before completely booting! BTW: Yes, this works with Wi-Fi.