Rampage is utility for Sidefx Houdini meant to help with managing user made presets for ramp parameters. Houdini have some build in preset for ramps: However editing this list by user is quite hard. Menu can be edited by adding package/user directory one file called float.ramp or color.ramp. Those files have syntax similar to json but to see any changes restart of Houdini is required. The goal of Rampage is to simplify this process by providing simple way of creating and managing preset for ramp parameters.
Both color and float ramps are supported.
All functionality can be found in rampage menu:
Simply ask for name of presets and let choose name. Name have to be unique!
Shows list of existing presets and let choose which one should be replaced:
Show list of existing presets and let choose which one should be removed:
Let you choose from list of existing presets for given type of ramp.
Rampage is implemented with Houdini packages in mind. That allow ease of installation and defining variables. Variables defined by Rampage:
- $RAMPAGE_PATH : path to rampage directory
- $RAMPAGE_PRESETS_PATH : path to directory that contains presets
Presets are stored in %RAMPAGE_PRESETS_PATH as json files. color.json for color ramp and float.json for float ramp. Currently there is no way to concatenate preset files in multiple locations.
Houdini - Python 3 version(most of functions is typed)
- Paweł Bernaciak