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This repository contains automation for platform provisioning and configuration for Legion project. For more details and technical documentation see the Legion project repository

Legion infrastructure setup with Terraform

Prerequisites: For each of the clusters you need to have have the next preconfigured items:

  • GCS Bucket for terraform state with name equal to "<CLUSTER_NAME>-tfstate"
  • Create cluster_profile.json file with terraform variables (should be specified for each terraform run as a -var-file argument)
  • SSL certificate and private key should be defined as tls_crt and tls_key variables in cluster_profile.json
  • SSH public key should be defined as ssh_key variable in cluster_profile.json
  • Reserve Static IP "<CLUSTER_NAME>-nat-gw" and add this IP to Oauth provider (Keycloak for example)

In order to setup legion cluster at GCP with provided modules you have to trigger terraform for each of the Legion infrastructure layer. The order of infrastructure components provisioning is the next: GKE cluster:

  • gke_create: creates all components at GCP including GKE Kubernetes cluster itself
  • helm_init: setup Helm with required permissions on GKE cluster
  • k8s_setup: setup all Kubernetes components and dependencies required for Legion platform
  • legion: install Legion Helm chart itself with required platform components EKS cluster:
  • TBC

Terraform modules for each of the layer could be applied by running the set of commands below from the corresponding module directory:


CLUSTER_NAME=<CLUSTER_NAME_HERE> TF_DATA_DIR=/tmp/.terraform_${CLUSTER_NAME}_${PWD##*/} bash -c 'terraform init -backend-config="bucket=${CLUSTER_NAME}-tfstate"'


CLUSTER_NAME=<CLUSTER_NAME_HERE> TF_DATA_DIR=/tmp/.terraform_${CLUSTER_NAME}_${PWD##*/} bash -c 'terraform plan \
-var-file=/PATH/TO/VARIABLES.json \


CLUSTER_NAME=<CLUSTER_NAME_HERE> TF_DATA_DIR=/tmp/.terraform_${CLUSTER_NAME}_${PWD##*/} bash -c 'terraform apply \
-var-file=/PATH/TO/VARIABLES.json \

There is also a helper script which allows you to create fully configured Legion cluster with a single command. The easiest way to run the script is to use prebuilt docker image containing all required components. You should pass cluster_profile.json file with all parameters required for cluster setup (refer to vars_template.yaml for details) and appropriate credentials for cloud operations (e.g GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS, AWS_ACCESS_KEY, etc.). Here is the example of command which mounts all dependencies to the docker container and triggers a cluster creation:

docker run -v <local_path_to_cluster_profile.json>:/tmp/cluster_profile.json -v <path_to_local_gcp_credentials_file.json>/:/tmp/gcp_credentials_file.json -e PROFILE=/tmp/cluster_profile.json -e GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=/tmp/gcp_credentials_file.json k8s-terraform:latest tf_runner create

Mandatory parameters are PROFILE and GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS environment variables which point to the mounted files required for cluster provisioning. The same way tf_runner script could be executed locally if you have all dependencies available.

Cluster profile preparation

In order to setup Legion cluster with all components you should have cluster profile with all parameters required for platform setup. The file should be provided as a json file to terraform modules with -var-file argument. All required variables with their purposes could be find in vars_template.yaml file in this repository. You may want to create cluster profile manually or use hiera_exporter helper script to pull the data from hiera data storage.

Hiera data export

Hiera allows you to store hierarchical data in yaml format and request required data structures matching request filters. For Legion CI/CD purposes we use separate profiles repository (as you may want to do as well) with yaml files describing clusters setup. Place private_key.pkcs7.pem and public_key.pkcs7.pem keys to expected location (/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/eyaml/ by default) and trigger hiera_exporter script from hieradata directory with proper arguments. This will generate Terraform compatible variables json file which should be used with Terraform modules for clusters setup.