File management
images can be imported withFile
->Import png...
.The currently visible canvas can be exported as
->Export as png...
.The application state can be imported and exported in
files using the actionsFile
andSave as...
.Note that the application state will be overwritten.
Version control
The drawing state of all pages can be reverted und redone with
at the top left.Deleted pages will be recreated if this was a previous or next step, depending on
. -
Page control
Page manipulation can be found on the most left.
Pages can be created with
and deleted with-
deletes the currently displayed page.Page repositioning is possible by using
. -
tool is selected when the application is opened.Colors can be either selected by clicking on the predefined previews or
, to open the color widget dialog.The current color can be gradually adjusted with the channels: red, green, blue and alpha (top to bottom).
A preview of the color is displayed at the top of the dialog.
Drawing size can be adjusted with the visible slider.
erases parts of the lines.LineEraser
erases the whole line. -
Extended Functionality
Lines or images can be repositioned with the
tool.The closest element to the pointer can be repositioned.
Image handles are at the top left of the image.
Straight lines in the selected color can be drawn with
.The current canvas can be cleared with
. Images are not effected.
- Basic drawing functionality (thin, medium, bold)
- The user can select different brush sizes
- The user can select the color of the brush (predefined colors, but also custom color possible)
- The brush color's transparency can be set by the user to allow for a text marker behavior (content under the text marker still visible, 'shines through').
- Support for drawing straight lines
- Basic erasing functionality
- Similar to drawing, but removes previously drawn content where applied (does not remove complete strokes or elements, just parts where the eraser brush was applied)
- Image elements are not affected by the eraser.
- User can select different sizes
- Pages of the document can be rearranged, meaning that their order can be changed.
- Images can be included as elements on the pages.
- Images can be scaled arbitrarily on the page.
- Images can be positioned arbitrarily on the page.
- Images can overlap and be overdrawn (think of gluing a photo onto a notebook page)
- Page content elements (images & brush strokes) can be selected, repositioned on the page, or deleted.
- Elements can be selected by a rectangular selection tool. User can drag a rectangle over the elements they wish to select. All elements that intersect with the rectangle are then selected.
- User can undo/redo previous actions (history of document changes)
- The notebook document can be saved to a custom file format and reloaded into the application from such files (so the user can continue working on a previously created document after closing and relaunching the application).
- The notebook document can be exported as a series of image files (image resolution selectable by user).