My personal emacs-settings and documentations
Copy emacs-settings.el to .emacs.
- Do not use tab. Indent with space.
- Use different tab-width for different modes.
- Collect backups in one place (.emacs.d/emacs-backups).
as backspace - move help command toC-?
.C-c >
andC-c <
for region shifting. Shift size depends on tab-width.- Use
as newline, useC-j
as indent newline. - Use vim-like keys for navigating windows (h-j-j-l with
). - Place non-package-depending keybindings at before package manager.
Manage package with package manager and melpa archive. Minimize custom packages.
- Requires silver-searcher
sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag
- Requires vmd from npm.
npm install -g vmd --unsafe-perm=true