ClimateExplorer is a website to help people understand climate change. It's focussed on trying to provide a simple and approachable interface for people to explore the changes to climate in their region. has two main sections; 1) local climate change information about a specific location and 2) regional and global charts to show what is happening with greenhouse gases, ice melt, sea-level rise, ocean temperatures, etc.
This github site is the digital repository for everything used to bring the website together.
- Built in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition using
- .NET 9
- C#
- Blazor
- Minimal Web API
- The main projects in the solution are:
- Web: Blazor server-side website that displays the data to the user. This is a wrapper project, most of the Blazor files are in Web.Client.
- Web.Client: Blazor Web Assembly version of the website. This will download to the browser and the browser will switch to using this after its downloaded.
- WebApi: Web API that gets and processes the data that the website uses
- Core: code shared between Web, WebApi and other projects
- UnitTests: tests for various sub-systems
- Additional libraries used
- Download the github repo.
- Open in Visual Studio 2022.
- Set your start-up projects to be Web and WebApi and run.
- Two websites should start-up; the user interface and the web API.