Provides docker-compose
infrastructure to kick off a local development
and test environment for LedgerSMB.
The infrastructure is based on the ledgersmbdev/ledgersmb-dev-postgres
and ledgersmbdev/ledgersmb-dev-lsmb
LedgerSMB containers, the selenium tester containers and the
mail testing tool.
The ledgersmb-dev-postgres container is derived from the standard
Postgres container, adding the pgTAP
test infrastructure and setting
aggressive database performance optimizations to help speed up testing.
The ledgersmb-dev-lsmb container holds everything required to run and test LedgerSMB. This container currently supports versions 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and master -- the image gets updated regularly to include dependencies for specific feature branches.
The Quick Start shell script below will install everything necessary to develop and test
LedgerSMB. This script should work with any linux distribution that has docker
, git
, make
and all of their prerequisites installed and where the current $USER
is in the docker group.
These prerequisites can generally be met using the following on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get -y install make git curl gnupg ca-certificates lsb-release
# If the following fails, see the instructions at
sudo apt-get -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose
# Add the current user to the 'docker' group
sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
The Quick Start bash script installs LedgerSMB using an insecure development configuration and runs the LedgerSMB test suites.
It is meant as an example to get a new developer started. The computer used for this install should not be connected directly to a WAN without additional security precautions.
All further instructions assume that this script is run from the $USER
's $HOME
directory and that the user is NOT the root user.
The Quick Start script only works after commit fdbc05543751ec5fa560587dcafd9cdb0d6ef397 (15 August 2022) in the LedgerSMB master branch. Prior to that the directories logs
and screens
were not present in the LedgerSMB repository and needed to added manually.
Details about each step appear below the script.
This Quick Start shell script has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04, Debian 11.4, and Fedora 36. Although we had several problems getting Fedora and Docker to cooperate.
set -e -x
# Not for use in Production.
# Clone the LedgerSMB development docker master repository
git clone ldd
# Clone the LedgerSMB git master repository
git clone
cd LedgerSMB
# Set up LedgerSMB configuration for development
cp doc/conf/ledgersmb.conf.default ledgersmb.conf
# db_namespace must be set to xyz in order for tests to run
sed -i -e 's/db_namespace = public/db_namespace = xyz/' ledgersmb.conf
sed -i -e 's/host = localhost/host = postgres/' ledgersmb.conf
# Start the docker containers
../ldd/lsmb-dev master pull
../ldd/lsmb-dev master up -d
# Make the runtime javascript (see options below)
make jsdev # With VUE debugger enabled
# Run the tests (see options below)
make devtest # Single process
Note that this Quick Start script is meant to be run from a new user directory and if run a second time in the same directory will error out.
After the command ../ldd/lsmb-dev master up -d
is executed above you should see output similar to:
== LedgerSMB 'master'
== should be available at
host : http://host:49156
mailhog : http://host:49153
dev (login)* : http://host:49155/
dev (setup)* : http://host:49155/
db : postgresql://host:49154
mailhog :
psgi :
proxy (login):
proxy (setup):
dev (login)* :
dev (setup)* :
db : postgresql://
* Only available if 'make serve' is running
Note that without further customization, as described below, the ports are chosen randomly with each container start up. So your ports will likely be different.
Ten containers are created:
The LedgerSMB
directory is mapped to the /srv/ledgersmb
inside the ldmaster_lsmb
and ldmaster_proxy
containers. The
database container creates its database storage on a "RAM drive",
meaning that restarting the container causes all existing databases
to be flushed.
A Selenium grid is created with a hub and 5 copies of the browser you selected, Chrome is set per default. Firefox and Opera are supported.
is not in thedocker
group. This is fixed by executingsudo usermod -aG docker $USER
or some variation that works in your distribution. -
If you get the warning:
- The collector has reached the maximum number of concurrent jobs to process.
- Testing will continue, but some tests may be running or even complete before they are rendered.
- All tests and events will eventually be displayed, and your final results will not be effected.
To eliminate this warning adjust
by adding--max-open-jobs 8
to the[Test]
section and restart the containers. Be aware that yath can exhaust file handles if max open jobs is set too high. The default is 2 times the number of parallel jobs-j
set for the tests. -
When having problems always make sure the firewall rules are correct. On Fedora 36 the firewall, by default, prevents docker-compose from publishing port 4444 and results in the error 'Selenium server did not return proper status...'.
A "transpiled" version of the JavaScript code must
be available in the UI/js/
directory. This is created from UI/js-src/
by running either of the two commands shown below.
make jsdev # With VUE debugger enabled
make js # Without VUE debugger enabled
After editing the code in UI/js-src/
, one of these commands needs to be re-run.
As per the example above, you should be able to browse to your host at
http://host:49156/ if you want to go through the proxy or at to go directly and create a test database.
The default password of the postgres
user is abc
Note that the host
connection uses a proxy which will redirect "/" to "/".
Similarly, after you create a test company using
, browsing to allows to log into the company.
The Postgres database is made available and can be connected to using pgsql connection URL postgresql://postgres@host:49154.
Without a .local/.env
file as described in the next section, all host ports are assigned randomly so they will not clash when running multiple parallel test environments. The .local/.env
is not present by default and must be added by the developer.
LedgerSMB offers the possibility to run in development mode, where you can see the modifications done in the user interface code be installed and shown in realtime. This is started with the command:
# Runs the realtime user interface compiler
make serve
You can then use a browser to browse your host in development mode using the dev
connections shown above.
Defaults can be overridden by setting environment variables. By default,
in the LedgerSMB repository clone is read if available at container startup.
Local overrides and can contain the following:
# Set local defaults for environment variables
# Database user and password
# export PGUSER=postgres
# export PGPASSWORD=abc
# Browser to use by default, can be overriden on command line
export BROWSER=${BROWSER:-chrome}
# Browser instances to create, can be overriden on command line
# Home directory for the container user
export HOME_DEV=../LedgerSMB/.local/home
# Uncomment to fix host ports used
# export LSMB_PORT=5000
# export LSMB_PORT_DEV=9000
# export DB_PORT=5432
# export MAILHOG_PORT=8025
# Uncomment to use a customized ledgersmb-dev-test image.
# export LSMB_IMAGE=user/ledgersmb-dev-test:latest
Three commands exist to run tests:
# Does not create a database
make test # Runs the tests in the `t/` directory
# Creates a database for the `xt/` tests.
make devtest # Runs the tests in the `t/` and `xt/` directories
make pherkin # Runs the tests `xt/**/*.feature`
Note that the xt/
directory contains both regular tests and feature
tests. Using make devtest
runs all tests using yath
in t/
and xt/
Using make pherkin
only runs the .feature
tests using pherkin
. The pherkin
tests provide more detail, but do not parallelize as well and therefor are slower.
The set of tests to be run can be restricted by setting the TESTS
variable. For example:
make test TESTS=t/01-load.t
make devtest TESTS=xt/66-cucumber/01-basic/change_password.feature
Tests can be run in parallel using:
make devtest TESTS='-j4 t/ xt/'
make test TESTS='-j4 t/'
This example runs the tests using 4 parallel jobs. There are significant speedups when running tests in parallel.
The LedgerSMB/Makefile
applies some magic to make sure certain make
commands are actually run inside the ldmaster_lsmb
docker container using the ldd/lsmb-dev
bash shell script.
Some developers prefer to add ldd/lsmb-dev
to their path. One way to do that is to add a symbolic link in the ~/bin
directory. For example:
cd ~
mkdir bin # If it does not exist.
ln -s -f -v $HOME/ldd/lsmb-dev $HOME/bin/lsmb-dev
This symbolic link works automatically for Unbuntu 22.04, Debian 11.4, and Fedora 36 after you logoff and login (or restart). For other distributions you might need to add something like following to the $USER
's .profile
or .bashrc
as appropriate for the distribution.
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
Then log out and log back in so that the ~/bin
directory is added to the $PATH
These changes allows the user to use lsmb-dev
directly without always having to type ../ldd/lsmb-dev
. Note that lsmb-dev
must be used from within the LedgerSMB
directory (using the Quick Start script) or from within another valid LedgerSMB repository.
It's best to restart the single ldmaster_lsmb
container using Docker
directly by running
docker restart ldmaster_lsmb
Although the command ../ldd/lsmb-dev master restart
works, it usually
comes up with different IP addresses on the containers than the original
up -d
The database gets stored in RAM for performance reasons. If however,
you want/need to retain databases between container restarts, you can
change the backing storage to harddisk/ssd by changing the end of docker-compose.yml
in ledgersmb-dev-docker
repository clone before the initial startup from
type: tmpfs
device: tmpfs
# driver_opts:
# type: tmpfs
# device: tmpfs
Multiple test environments, based on multiple clones, can be created
using a different first-argument to the lsmb-dev
script. E.g. a
1.8 testing environment can be created using:
git clone -b 1.8
git clone ldd
cd LedgerSMB
../ldd/lsmb-dev 18 pull
BROWSER=firefox ../ldd/lsmb-dev 18 up -d
This creates 10 additional containers:
Please note that the database container patches the PostgreSQL configuration for faster test performance rather than the reliability levels you'd want for your production environment (that is, data consistency isn't fully guaranteed on outage, which shouldn't be a problem for tests -- we'll simply re-run them -- but isn't a risk to be taken in production).
The default configuration, all mail sent from LedgerSMB is 'caught' by MailHog. This allows e-mail functionality to be tested without sending real messages over the internet.
MailHog traps all messages, providing a web UI and API to view or retrieve them.
The mailhog/mailhog
container serves the web API on port 8025 and accepts
SMTP connections on port 1025.
A script is provided to help create docker images using different Perl versions. These are based on the official Perl docker images and are not optimised for size, but can be useful for testing version-specific behaviour.
./tools/make_perl_context [perl version]
Will create a new docker context for the specified perl version, from
which an image can be built and used in place of the official
Each LedgerSMB core developer has their own way of working. This section exists to give new developers some ideas to get started quickly and is not necessarily how the core developers work.
New developers are likely to have to do some additional research for each of these steps. That research is critical in productively contributing to LedgerSMB.
Create a Github account if you do not already have one.
Clone the LedgerSMB repository into your own Github account.
In your development and test target environment create and get working the Docker development and testing container as described above, which by default uses the LedgerSMB Github repository. The important part of this step is to get a working LedgerSMB development docker container before you proceed further.
Make sure you can login, setup a new company, create customers, etc.
Decide where you local work repository is going to reside. If your running GUI tools in the same machine as when you executed:
# Clone the LedgerSMB git master repository git clone
Then you are good to go. If your are running the Docker image on a server or virtual machine without GUI tools then you will need to clone your LedgerSMB repository someplace where you can more easily edit it.
6. Shutdown the docker images. ../ldd/lsmb-dev master down
6. Change the source of the code from the main LedgerSMB repository to your own repository. To do this re-execute the commands as described above, but change the cline command to point to your repository as in:
# Clone your new Github LedgerSMB git master repository
git clone<your Github account name>/LedgerSMB.git
This easily done by just deleting the original clone directory and recloning it with your repository.
Restart the docker containers.
# Start the docker containers ../ldd/lsmb-dev master pull ../ldd/lsmb-dev master up -d
Now any changes you make to the git repository where you did
git clone<your Github account name>/LedgerSMB.git
will automatically reload the LedgerSMB service so they take effect almost instantly upon saving of changed files.