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Java REST API template with Camel+Netty+Swagger

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REST API Template (Java+Netty+Camel+Swagger)

A nice, simple REST API template written in Java using Camel with Netty which includs an ErrorHandler and a few sample requests. Swagger support included as well.

This is a work in progress - contributions are welcome

How do you build / run / develop it ?

You will need gradle to build (and "deploy" [optional] ).

Mode How How (in debug)
Development option 1 gradle run gradle run --debug-jvm
Development option 2 run com.travelstart.api.Boot from IDE run com.travelstart.api.Boot in debug mode in IDE
Externally gradle installDist, run script: build/install/java-rest-api-template/bin/java-rest-api-template N/A

Things to know

IDE Support

  • Eclipse: gradle eclipse
  • IntelliJ IDEA: gradle idea
  • NetBeans: use the gradle plugin

Example endpoints:

  • /api/ping - POST/GET that returns a fixed string response
  • /api/booking - PUT to create a booking - returns the ID in the response
  • /api/booking/{id} - POST to update a booking given the ID
  • /api/booking/{id} - GET to retrieve a booking given the ID

Swagger support:

Create (once-off):

  • docker create --rm --name swagger-rest-template -p 8081:8080 -e API_URL=http://localhost:8890/api-doc/swagger.json swaggerapi/swagger-ui:v2.2.9

Start it:

  • docker start swagger-rest-template

Use it:

Unit Testing

gradle test jacocoTestReport

test result reports at:

  • code coverage: java-rest-api-template/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html
  • test summary: java-rest-api-template/build/reports/tests/test/index.html

Customising the Server

The following system properties can be set to customise the server:

System Property What The binding address - default is localhost
server.port The port the server listens on - default is 8890
server.workers The number of works (threads) available for requests - default is CPU Cores x 2
server.max-content-length The maximum upload size - default is 1MB


Java REST API template with Camel+Netty+Swagger






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